Dear Parents, Carers


In these uncertain times and unprecedented times, I am writing to confirm that Beecroft will be closing for all pupils from Friday 20th March – Monday 20th April 2020.

The closure information is on the school website and on the Leeds City Council website.

Unfortunately, too many staff are self-isolating for medical reasons and it is not possible to maintain the school services.

As you know, we at Beecroft, pride ourselves on being open whatever the circumstances and I would love to be able to continue normal school education despite the virus. Following our governors’ meeting of Chair and Vice Chair today, the decision was clearly made to close the school from Monday given our personal school circumstances.

I hope, although this is considerably inconvenient, that you will be able to support us with the difficult decision that we have not made lightly.

Pupils’ will bring packs of work, websites and challenges that they can use during the extended break.

Thank you for your support and your understanding.

Yours sincerely

J Turner


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