Your Questions Answered

I am a keyworker

Government Guidance For Schools Link

The government has asked parents to keep their children at home wherever possible, this is the safest option.”

At present information is lacking and we do not know of the central hubs – please check-Leeds City Council website during the next week.

I have passed all details and addresses to Leeds City Council of those requesting care – but there are no promises or assurances that child-care will be available. You will be contacted directly and told where the care is happening. Please note it is child care and not education.

It will be all five days only and not part-time or pick and choose if it becomes available

Free School Meals

Sandwich, fruit and cake – available at Hollybush Primary Hub (Hollybush School closed)

Will school be open on 20th April 2020

Check Beecroft Primary School website and Leeds Education Hub as the situation unfolds. As soon as we can resume normal education we will be the first to do so.

Will anyone be in school

No – not until further notice (20th April if possible) No emails or phone calls – see below.

Leeds Education Hub

Work for pupils

Packs sent home today. Reading is vital to pupils and with you.

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