Headteacher’s Update: Monday 9th May 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for all your support and a ‘big’ thankyou to those parents who supported us towards our Healthy Schools Award (we passed and the full report is on the website) 

“The school is a very strong advocate for the Healthy Schools Award. It is evident that the school invests much in health and wellbeing and that the Healthy Schools programme has a very high profile. All staff are highly motivated to raise aspirations and improve the health and wellbeing of all pupils. …..All pupils I met were happy, confident, articulate, engaged polite and friendly and demonstrated an excellent knowledge of health and wellbeing….The school works well with parents and families and strong relationships have been established with families and the community as a whole. Parents all commented on the excellent communication from school and accessibility to staff, when needed.
The commitment, passion hands-on approach and vision of the head teacher and the Healthy Schools Coordinator/PSHE lead and mind mate are very apparent.”

The government is ‘stepping up’ expectation with attendance – the majority of our Beecroft parents ensure that their child attends every day the school is open and are absent only when there is a statutory reason (illness) However the government’s new list says all parents are expected to:

  1. Book any medical appointments around the school day when possible. (Not during lessons.)
  2. Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so in advance and this would not be every year. (Not holidays in term time)
  3. Notify the school as soon as possible if their child has to be unexpectedly absent (e.g. sickness )

Number 1 and 2 can be improved upon by some of our parents as leave that becomes up to a month out of school is unacceptable.

Where a child is persistently absent (below 90%) the parent is asked by the government to work with school to improve this. (Individual letters are being sent out this week for appointments and these must be attended.)

The majority of our parents are always supportive but there remains a number of parents who do not support us enough. Attendance at school is the law.

Family Assembly: Wednesday 25th May – all welcome (Please bring any surplus/old uniform to swap – stall after assembly)

Consultation Evening Video Call: Wednesday 25 May – 2.15-5.15 (Not Y6) If you were happy on the last meeting and had enough time you may want to wait until the July meeting.

Year 5 go to Nell Bank 16th-19th May. We wish them a ‘happy holiday’ and good weather.

Best wishes,

J. Turner

Beecroft Primary School

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