Wellbeing Newsletter

Dear Parents,
As we near the finish of the first half term, we wanted to update you on wellbeing at Beecroft Primary School.

Worry Box
There is a worry box in each class. Worries are talked about privately or with the whole class as appropriate. Children are encouraged to discuss their worries with their parents and their teachers. Classes schedule time to talk about this each week. These sessions have been taking place since the start of term and teachers encourage children to talk to adults about anything that worries them.

Mindmate And PSHE Learning:
Beecroft Primary School is commited to the social and emotional education of all pupils and we do this through following the Mindmate curriulum for SEMH (Social,Emotional and Mental Health) and the You, Me and PSHE scheme for PSHE.

This term children have focused on ‘Feeling Good And Being Me.’

Inner West Youth Summit 2022
Four pupils from Key Stage 2 were selected to attend the Inner West Youth Summit. Students attended meetings with local councillors as well as a talk and discussion with the Leeds Mayor. Children were able to consider how and what youth budgets may be spent on in the future for the Inner West area of Leeds.

Wellbeing Day:
Each half term we organise a full day of learning and sports acitivities dedicated to the wellbeing and SEMH learning of our pupils.Our next Wellbeing Day will be on Friday 21st October.

Suggestion Box:
This is led by the school council on how we can improve our school. Their suggestions are then passed on to the relevant people to see what we can change.

The key to our school is constant discussion at individual, classroom and whole school level so that our pupils live in a culture of respect, support and friendliness to one another.

Our wellbeing governors are:

Mrs Pat Gradys (Vice-chair)
Mrs Sarah Lord (parent governor)
Mental Health Lead: Mrs S Carter

Thanks for your continued support.

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