Headteacher’s Update: Friday 5th July 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Summer Fair

A BIG THANKYOU to our Friends At Beecroft (FAB) for the fabulous Summer Fair. It was a lovely social occasion and I enjoyed the many conversations as we browsed the stalls. Thank you to Karen Kennedy (Chair of FAB) and her team for all the hard work behind the scenes and on the day.

Events and Visits: 

Art’s Day;: Thank you to parents and friends who joined their children for the Art’s Day yesterday. The day started with a ukulele performance for all the school. It was high quality and very enjoyable.

Football: Our U11s team finished their fantastic season with two outstanding attacking displays, beating Kirkstall St Stephen’s 3 – 0 and Kirkstall Valley 12-0. Mr Campbell will be sad to see his team leaving for high school, but we hope to see them again, playing professionally on TV in the future!

Tennis: Year 1 enjoyed their tennis trip, getting in the Wimbledon spirit.

Bike-ability:  Year 6 have a Bike-ability week in school next week, Monday 8th July. They will learn all about cycling proficiency including practical road safety. 

Dates To The End of Term:

  • Tuesday 9th July: 2.30 New Reception parents for 2024
  • Wednesday 10 July: Family Assembly Reception music and singing.
  • Saturday 13 July Kirkstall Festival:  Meet 10.45 Hesketh Road. Individual fancy dress – all Kirkstall Festival themes – football, hats, seaside. Choose fancy dress or wear PE kit. We will have banners made on art’s day. Join us!
  • Monday 15 July: Sugar, tea, coffee for St George’s Crypt ( just give one thing) Rev Andy will be coming to receive the donations and taking an assembly.
  • Wednesday 17 July: Year 6 Transition Workshop in school
  • Wednesday 17 July: Open Morning 8.30-10.30 Your chance to look at your child’s work and work on display. ( Reports out) 
  • Tuesday 23 July: Leaver’s Assembly and Final whole school assembly 2pm ( No After School Club)

Summer Holiday: Break up on 23rd July – Return to School Monday 9th September 2024

Thank you for all your support which is much appreciated.

Best wishes,

J. Turner


Beecroft Primary School

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