Newsletter – April 2013

Dear Parents
Despite the weather we are in the final term of the year!  Thank you for all the support you give to your child with reading and homework, attendance and ensuring their very positive attitude to school.

Residential Visit: Year 6 enjoyed their visit to Castleton and Year 5 have just spent 3 days at Nell Bank in Ilkley.  They enjoyed walking, building dens, mud trails, mapping: the list is endless!   Although it was cold it was fantastic that the days were dry.

Building: Our building work is coming to its completion!  We intend to have an ‘opening’ event when parents can look at work on display and join us in celebrating this achievement.

Consultation Evening: There will be a consultation evening for all parents Year R -5 on Wednesday 8th May 3.30pm – 6.00pm (NOT Year 6 as the test week starts on Monday 13th May.  Please fill in the reply slip attached.

If you have already met with Miss Turner or your child’s class teacher in the last few weeks, you do not need to make another appointment.

Attendance: Thank you for your support.  Please remember holidays in term time are not allowed and count as unauthorised absence.  Our attendance for the whole school to date is

P.E Kit: A reminder that this is dark shorts (grey, black, navy blue) and a plain white round neck T.shirt.  All children need correct P.E kit every week.

Dates for your diary

Monday 6 May:                     HOLIDAY (1 day)

Wednesday 8 May:               Consultation 3.30pm – 6pm

Friday 17 May:                      NO FAMILY ASSEMBLY

Friday 24 May:                      Break-up for 1 week holiday return on Monday 3 June.

Monday 10 June:                   Year 6 bikeability

Thursday 27 June:                 Open Day Celebration, new building ‘A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever’ (Keats)

Saturday 13 July:                   Kirkstall Festival ‘How Green is Our Valley’

Thank you for your support.

J Turner


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