Newsletter 6 December

Dear Parents,

Our very busy two weeks starts on Monday 9th December.  Pupils in Key Stage 2 will need their shirt for Monday 9th, if they are a workhouse boy.

Key Stage 2: 10th December: 2pm performance for Key Stage 1 and Reception.

Key Stage 2 Wednesday 11th December: Concert at 2pm

Key Stage 2 Thursday 12th December: All pupils return by 5.45pm.  The concert starts at 6pm and will finish by 7pm.

All School – Reception – Year 6

Friday 13th December – Visit to the Vue Cinema: to see ‘Frozen’ the new Walt Disney Movie.  The production is ‘free’ courtesy of Vue who have asked us to do a 15 minute fire drill evacuation for them at 10am.  The film will start at 10.30am and finish at approximately 12.30pm.  Please can ALL the pupils bring a packed lunch (free school meals can request a packed lunch provided) then we will eat it on our return to school.  Dinner money is therefore £8.00 w/c 9th December.

Friday 13th DecemberFamily Assembly at 2.30pm:  Rachel Reeves (MP) at this assembly. No family assembly in the morning – Vue Cinema

Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity – Family Assembly Thursday 19th December at 9.30am

If you would like a ticket (2 in the first instance) which cost £1 each, and includes refreshments, please fill in the slip below.

List of other Events to the end of term

Thursday 19th December:                        Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity at Family               Assembly

Thursday 19th December:                        1.00 pm Class parties for Christmas

Friday 20th December:                               Christmas Dinner

Yours sincerely



 Reception and Key Stage 1 – Nativity – Family Assembly  9.30am

I would like ………….. Tickets (2 in the first instance)

Name of Child ………………………………             Class……………….

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