Latest Newsletter

Dear Parents
Thank you for your continuing support in enabling our children to be ready for school.
Thank you for excellent attendance, joining in the reading challenge, encouragement to do homework. We appreciate that you work in partnership with us.

Trip Visits: Year 5 has enjoyed their residential visit to Nell Bank this week.
Reading Challenge: Once again this has been very successful and badges and certificates will be presented in Family Assembly. Well done to all children and families.
Nursery Children: First book bags with books, stories, games will be given to all nursery children.
FAB: Friends at Beecroft: We need helpers for Summer Fair, Kirkstall Festival and to be on the Fab committee in the future. Please contact the office or their Chairperson – Laura Bottrell for more information (leaflets sent out this week).
2nd May: Fab meeting after Family Assembly.
Are you moving/leaving Beecroft? It is at this time of year that we start to plan classes for 2014-2015. If you think you may be moving out of the area and are planning to leave Beecroft, please will you fill in the slip below and return to school as soon as possible- This is an early instruction and is not binding.
Kitchen Refurbishment: This is underway and should be completed by the end of May. The gates will be closed until the work is completed. We are sorry for any inconvenience. If you do have a problem with collection please speak to the office.

Dates for your diary

Friday 2nd May: Fab meeting – All welcome after Family Assembly.
Friday 2nd May: 1BP and 1LC Trip to Kirkstall Abbey.
W/C 12th May: All week Year 6 tests – No Family Assembly on Friday 16th May.
Thursday 22nd May: Election Day – School Closed.
Friday 23rd May: Half Term – return to school Monday 2nd June.
Saturday 12th July: Kirkstall Festival ‘Le Grand Festival De France’
Wednesday 2nd July: Summer Fair

Yours sincerely


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