Autumn Term 1 Newsletter 2014

Dear Parents

Welcome back to what I hope will be an excellent year for all of us. The summer has been extremely busy as we are in the process of major conversion from oil heating to gas heating and water! The flash floods also meant work on ceilings following the torrential rain!

Thank you! All our children returned to school in their smart uniforms and well prepared for the new year.

Reading & Holiday Challenge Thank you for all the hard work the majority of families have put into the reading challenge and holiday challenge that children have done at home. It is vital that parents support education both at home and school to ensure the very best for their child. It was a joy to see nearly every child with a medal and certificate. There is still time to do the reading challenge which finishes at the end of September. Information can be collected from the office in school. Please keep up the library involvement.

It isn’t too late for your child to join in and do a picture, poem, model, diary about part of their holiday. The closing date if Friday 13th September. School Council will be choosing the winner and all pupils will gain 10 colour points for taking part.

Absence from School in Term Time Holidays including leave for visits to family abroad and family occasions like weddings abroad cannot now be approved. We have already said ‘no’ to a number of parents this term and would like to politely remind you that our Home-School Agreement already says that leave of absence/holidays in term time are not approved. We know that the majority of parents support us in this already so thank you. Our whole school attendance is 97% and there are a small number of children for whom attendance is very poor and below 91%. Those children not achieving at Beecroft have poor attendance every time.

Punctuality – Start of School Day 8.50am School starts at ten minutes to nine – 8.50am. Myself and Mrs Hulme will be in the playground and will be speaking to parents directly if children are late. Again I am talking about a small number of families who come ten minutes late every day. Please support us and thanks again to those who do.

Clubs These will start in the week beginning 6th October as we are training new staff.

Family Assembly Family Assembly starts on Friday 12th September. All are welcome. Our FAB (Friends at Beecroft – Parent Teachers Association) are always represented, usually serving coffee. This is also an ideal time to meet with me, the Headteacher, on an informal basis to discuss any worries, ask any questions or just to give ideas. We want your support and sometimes small things can be sorted out with a chat over coffee after the assembly.

Free School Meals If you think you may be eligible, please ring Leeds Revenues and Benefits Service on 0113 2224404 or visit meals. Our School receives money if you register for free school meals. We also strongly encourage you to take up your entitlement. This is still the case if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2.

A copy of the current school calendar 2014/2015 is attached for your information.

Yours sincerely





Dates for the Autumn Term 2014

9th and 10th October – Open Evening and Open Morning

7th October – Clubs Start

16th October – Full Governors Meeting

17th October – Harvest Festival and Music Medal Presentations

19th November – Consultation Evening – 3.30pm – 6pm

20th November – Childline Assembly 10am -10.30am Year 5 and Year 6

26th November – Childline Workshops – afternoon

10th December – Christmas Concert at 2pm

11th December – Christmas Concert at 6pm


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