Newsletter January 2015

Dear Parents


We are looking forward to working with you in partnership to do the very best we can for our children. One of our key priorities is reading. As we know it is a key to success in school and for the future.

READING: We ask that pupils read a minimum of three times a week. By years 4, 5, and 6 pupils need to be tackling whole books and the time spent will be longer. If you have questions or you find your child does not want to read then make an appointment with your child’s class teacher.

We are offering two reading meetings for parents after Family Assembly.

Key Stage 2 Reading: (What a parent needs to know) 9.30am – 30th January 2015 (Miss Goode Consultant).

Key Stage 1 and Reception: (What a parent needs to know) 9.30am – 6th February 2015 (Miss Goode Consultant)

Reading Challenge: – Half Term (13th February -23rd February).

Uniform: Thank you for your support. When replacing clothing, please can you buy the correct uniform. School trousers/skirts are grey and navy (not denim, or fashion). School jumpers can be ordered from school with the school logo.

Girls and boys, with pierced ears should wear plain studs in school (not hanging or fashion earrings).

School Start Time: This is 8.50am children should be in the playground when the bell rings. The gate is locked at 8.55am promptly as nursery uses this area near the gate. Late pupils report to reception. Please allow extra time to get to school in cold January weather.

Dates for the term

9.30am – 30th January: Reading Meeting Key Stage 2 (What parents need to know).

9.30am – 6th February: Reading Meeting Nursery/Reception/Year 1 and 2 (What parents need to know).

Clubs: Clubs re-start w/c 19th January Key Stage 2 have their clubs and times in their homework diary. Key Stage 1 will bring a note home.

Trips and Visits: Other classes will follow and are being finalised.

2nd – 3rd March – Y6 Trip – Castleton.

19th March – Y5 Trip – Easter visit to South Parade Church.

26th March – Y5 Visit from Fire Service (science work).

7th– 8th July – Y5 Trip – Castleton.

With appreciation for your support.

Yours sincerely


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