Newsletter February 2015

Dear Parents

Thank you for the tremendous interest in the reading training. 61 Parents attended the Foundation and Key Stage 1 training.

Key Stage 2 training, which will include, information on the new reading curriculum and national tests will be held on Friday 6th February at 9.30am after Family Assembly.

Attendance: Attendance to 30th January is 98.5%

Your child’s certificate to date is attached. Attendance below 95% is low. Please note if there are patterns in your child’s absence. Excellent attendance is vital for success in school. Thank you for your support.

Punctuality: School starts at 8.50am (10 minutes to 9). We still have a number of families who are persistently late.

Healthy School: Sweets are not allowed at playtime and lunchtime. We also request that you do not send cakes when it is your child’s birthday. Please keep these for home. Thank you!

Education City: This computer programme is invaluable for work at home. It includes spelling, tables, phonics and grammar. Please use it! Your child’s log in is stuck into their Reading Record. If you have problems logging on please see Mr Campbell.


Dates for your diary

Half-Term Holiday – Break up 13th February and return Monday 23rd February.

Friday 27th February – No Family Assembly.

Monday 2nd March – Castleton Residential – Year 6.

Wednesday 11th March – Whole School Consultation 3.30pm – 6.00pm.

Wednesday 18th March – Meetings for parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs (by appointment)

Friday 13th March – Comic Relief – Assembly (bring 50p for non-uniform).

Thursday 19th March – Rewind to Easter Year 5 at South Parade Baptist Church

Thursday 2nd April – Break up for Easter Holiday.







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