March Newsletter 2015

Dear Parents

Well done to parents and pupils who have participated in the half-term reading challenge. Certificates and rewards will be presented on Friday 13 March 2015. Reading is a vital skill and we want to maintain its high profile. Our aim is that every child will be an excellent reader by the time they go to High School.

Thank you to parents who attended the reading meetings for Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

Exciting Development! Plans have been agreed by the governors, for the design and build of a new library which would be positioned next to the studio. FAB (Friends at Beecroft P.T.A) are planning a sponsored school field walk a money raising event on Thursday 2nd April to enable us to buy more books for the library.

Your views are important: Please share your views about the positives at Beecroft. If you do think something has gone wrong then let us know so that we can put it right. I am available after Family Assembly and will always return phone calls. Better to talk about it! Don’t hesitate!

Family Assembly: Dates and some changes

Friday 6 March – No Family Assembly as we are having a safeguarding audit.

Friday 13 March – Comic Relief – paint your face bring between 10p and £1.

Friday 20 March – No Family Assembly as we have invited an Ofsted inspector to review the school and to undertake training for the leadership team.

Friday 27 March – Easter Assembly – with music and drama club, violins, ukulele, flute and recorders.

Consultation Evening Date Change – Mr Campbell has undergone and urgent operation. I apologise for any inconvenience in changing the consultation evening to Wednesday 1 April 3.30-6.00pm. (Before the Easter holiday). If, however, you want an appointment more urgently then please contact the office. Thank you!

Other Dates for your diary

Thursday 5th March – Year 4 Canal Trips

Tuesday 10th March – Key Stage 1 Meanwood Valley Farm

Friday 13th March – Comic Relief – Assembly (bring 10p – £1 for non-uniform).

Thursday 19th March – Rewind to Easter Year 5 at South Parade Baptist Church

Thursday 2nd April – Break up for Easter Holiday.


Thank you for your continued support.




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