End of Term Newsletter July 2015

13 July 2015

Dear Parents,


With only 5 days remaining of the 2014-2015 academic year, I would like to thank you for your support for Beecroft.  Amongst our successes are:


  • Kirkstall Festival – What a turn out! Well done!
  • The start of our building project – the new library
  • FAB sponsored event and £4,000 + for books
  • The many extra-curricular activities, provided by staff and free of charge
  • Residential visits for Year 5 and Year 6, staff willing to give their evenings for this
  • Sports events
  • Music: we look forward to the celebration of music medal achievements at our Harvest Festival
  • Concerts and the opportunities they bring for pupils
  • The time given to Beecroft by our Governors
  • FAB at family assembly
  • High attendance 97% + for the whole school.

This is to name but a few.  We can also add the success of Year 6 in their national tests.


New Costs

Breakfast Club – £2 daily

Dinner Money – £2.20 daily Key Stage 2 Y3-Y6



  • (Reception to Year 1 to be advised separately)
  • Year 1 Miss Walker to Mrs Pickering Year 2
  • Year 1 Miss Daniel to Miss Bellamy Year 2
  • Year 3 Miss Goodwin
  • Year 4 Mr Smithson
  • Year 5 Mr Campbell
  • Year 6 Miss Brown


Holidays in term-time


There are, unfortunately annoying and negative aspects of those families who have taken their children out of school for a week, fortnight or three weeks.  Please note that such holidays have been unauthorised and we have put in place fines as recommended by the Government and Leeds. The law is very clear that holidays in term time are not allowed.

Please can I politely remind you before holidays are booked for 2015-2016.  A calendar is attached.


Friday 17 July: Final Family Assembly and leavers assembly at 2.15pm.  Pupils can leave with parents if this finishes early.


Please see ‘holiday challenge’.


Thank you again for your contribution to the highly successful year at Beecroft.


Return to school Wednesday 9th September.


Yours sincerely



J Turner


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