Autumn Term 2 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Please support our school by parking in the Milford Club car park.

Sandford Road Parking: Thank you very much to all parents who have supported the change in parking.  I would like to encourage all parents to use The Milford Club car park which has been agreed by Governors.  It leaves a 5 minute walk to the back gate.  I have assured Councillor Vennor that there will not be a recurrence of the rude, aggressive and inconsiderate behaviour’ which was brought to her attention by residents.

Please support our school – so that we can be justifiably proud in all respects and so that we all set the very best example to our pupils.  We will continue to have a strong school presence on the street.  Please note the keep clear yellow lines at the front of school.  Number plates of any ‘wrong’ parking have already been given to the police and we are continuing to work with the police on the matter.


Winners: All Key Stage 2 enjoyed the visiting author reward for our successful reading challenge. Chris Mould gave an entertaining and inspiring talk to the children.  His books are £4.50 if you would like your child to have a signed copy.  They are available in school from the office. Thank you to all parents who supported the Summer Reading Challenge.


Open Evening and Open Morning Thursday 12 November 6.00 – 7.30pm and Friday 13 November 9.15 – 11.00am.  All our parents and any prospective parents are welcome at both these events.  Music will be played by our instrumentalists in the hall.  There will be work on display and an opportunity to look around the classrooms.


School Start Time is 8.50am.  Doors and gates will be locked so that teachers can register their class.  When doors are closed please bring your child to the front entrance (path round the side of Nursery).  Children should be in the playground at 8.45am ready for the start of school.  Please allow time. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please collect your child promptly at 3.15pm or at the end of the clubs at 4.15pm.


Home School Agreement: We ask all parents to sign an agreement, at the start of school life.  It is about ‘basics’ only.  A copy is attached as a reminder that in accepting a place at the school, these are the fundamentals.

  • School dress, punctuality, home-school reading homework. Please refresh our joint commitment to all our pupils’ success. Children in Need Friday 14 November – Children will be holding their own mini-enterprise in the afternoon (details from your child’s class teacher).Dates for your Diary
  • FAB Annual General Meeting: Our parent/friends support group will meet at 9.30am, after Family Assembly, on Friday 6th November (all welcome).

Thursday 12 November – Open Evening   6pm – 7.30pm

Friday 13 November – 9.15-11.00 Open Morning (no family assembly)

Wednesday 18 November – Consultation Evening 3.30 – 6pm.

Wednesday 2 December – Y6 Leeds Minster

Tuesday 8 December – Christmas Concert 2pm

Wednesday 9 December – Christmas Concert 6pm

Thursday 17 December – Family Assembly Nativity Reception and Key Stage 1

Thursday 17 December – Afternoon Parties


Yours sincerely







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