January Newsletter 2016

Happy New Year !

Dear Parents,

The dreary dark evenings are ideal for homework, reading and the use of Education City at home. Please discuss your child’s work, reading with your child and talk about events in the world.  Talk and reading enables progress in school.

Attendance: To date 97.8%

We are approaching families individually where there is a problem with attendance or punctuality.  School starts at 8.50am.  Pupils must be in playground by 8.45am.  Lessons start promptly at 9.00am.  Mathematics, for example, in Year 3, is taught in sets starting at 9.00am.

Library: Our new library is underway.  We are at the stage of buying the library furniture and buying the books.  We will keep you informed.

Parking Sandford Road: Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Please can you keep up the good work and if possible not use the resident’s bays.

Consultation on Admission Numbers: You may be aware that we are entering a consultation period for a permanent increase in numbers to a 45 pupil intake. We have been taking 45 children into Reception for a number of years because local families have not been able to get into their local school.  Class size of 23/24 will remain the same in Reception Class/Year 1. The change in numbers will not in any way be of detriment to pupils.  It will be a positive advantage to locals who want a place for their child.


Dates For The Term

Year 5:  Virgin Active Gym and P.E

21st January:  Year 5 Trip – Vikings York

3rd February:  Drop in consultation increase in numbers

Further trips to be organised

Yours sincerely




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