Newsletter July 15th July

Dear Parents,

We are nearly at the end of the 2015-2016 academic year. Thank you very much for all the support in making our school successful.

Park & Stride Milford: Thank you for continuing to park in the Milford Sport’s Club. This is a permanent arrangement and we ask that you continue with this responsibility.  Raffle tickets will be given out again next week as the scooter has not been claimed on the previous ticket.

Kirkstall Festival: Thank you for the huge turn out and support. We are always proud of Beecroft Primary School’s support for this community event.

FAB & Governors: Thank you to all our governors and Friends At Beecroft who have supported the school so well throughout the year. Fab do an invaluable job raising money for the school. Governors work behind the scenes monitoring the standards of our school. Thank you.

Classes for 2016-2017

Nursery   – Mrs Walker

Reception 1 – Miss Stuart

Reception 2 – Miss Sunderland

Year 1 – Miss Daniel

Year 2 – Mrs Pickering & Miss Nokes

Year 2 – Miss Bellamy

Year 3 – Mr Clegg

Year 3 – Miss Stephenson

Year 4 – Mr Smithson

Year 5 – Mr Campbell

Year 6 – Miss Brown, Miss Turner

Other Teachers

Mrs Pickard – Art

Miss Pinder – New appointment for ICT, Science, P.E and Year 6.

Year 6: Raised £135.00 for charity by collecting ‘change over the year’ Well Done!

Uniform: When replacing uniform, please buy the correct colours and polo shirts. Denim jackets and earrings, other than studs, are not allowed. (Please see website)

FINAL FAMILY/LEAVERS ASSEMBLY – Wednesday 27th July at 1.45pm – Pupils can leave with parents.

Finally, thank you for all the hard work. We return to school on Wednesday 7th September.

Yours sincerely,

Miss J Turner


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