Newsletter November 2016

Dear Parents,

We have had a very busy and successful number of weeks since October half-term. We welcomed twenty Norwegian school leaders on two separate occasions.  They were very impressed by our school and glowing in their praise.

Open Evening/Morning: This was well attended by our parents and those looking for a Reception place in September 2017. Our School Council were praised many times by prospective parents.  We can be proud that our pupils were ‘engaged’ and very enthusiastic about our school and their work in display.

Winter Fair: Well done to FAB (Friends At Beecroft) and all the helpers before the event and on the day. A magnificent total of £1090 has been raised!

Children in Need: Our enterprise event with pupils making their own stalls in each class was enjoyed by all! There were bun stalls, guess the teddy, games, spot the difference, pin the patch on Pudsey Bear to name but a few.  A total of £446.82 was raised for Children in Need.

Consultation Evening: 3.30pm – 6.00pm Wednesday 30th November:  If you have not booked an appointment yet please contact your child’s class teacher.  If you would like a longer appointment or an appointment with myself then please do not hesitate.  The latter can be booked through the school office.

Child absent from School – Illness: Please ring school on the first day of absence and follow the absence with a note of explanation.

Safeguarding procedures require us to fill in ‘Children Missing’ form if we have not received a phone call.

Dates to the end of Term: Please note some changes.

Friday 2nd December: Family Assembly 2pm (not 9.00am on this day)

Rachel Reeves will present certificates for her Christmas card competition. She will also be looking at our new Library.

Friday 9 and Friday 16 December – No Family Assembly

Friday 15 December is the last Family Assembly

Tuesday 13 December           Ebenezer Concert KS2 at 2.00pm

(New date)

Wednesday 14 December      Ebenezer Concert KS2 at 6.00pm

(New date)

Thursday 15 December          9.00am Family Assembly KS1 & Reception Nativity

Thursday 15 December          Christmas Parties pm

Friday 16 December               Christmas Dinner (Please see the attached letter).

Thank you for your support.


Yours sincerely




Head teacher

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