End of Term Newsletter March 2017


28th March 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all your support – particularly with attendance, helping your child with reading out of school and your help with spelling and maths. Those pupils who get help from parents make substantially more progress in school. A partnership works!

Fair Trade Fortnight: Thank you for your support school has raised £800.

Comic Relief: We have raised £151.30.

Thank you for your support.

Trips and Visits

Year 5 – Easter at South Parade Baptist Church

Year 3 – Visit to Leeds Minster

Year 2 – Visit to St Stephen’s Church

Easter Egg Competition – see reverse

A musical Key Stage 2 Family Assembly is on Friday 31st March with djembe, ukulele, orchestra recorder and singing.

We break up for the Easter break on Friday 31st March and return to school on Tuesday 18th April. 

Spring Holiday: Break up Friday 31st March

Return to school: Tuesday 18th April  2017

Yours sincerely




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