End of Term Newsletter – July 2017

End Of Year July 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your support during the 2016-2017 school year.

I am particularly grateful to all the parents who have supported home-school reading.  We now have considerable evidence that these parents who continue to listen to their child reading up to and including Year 6 make a difference.  Collecting and discussing vocabulary and the words in books enables your child to achieve in reading writing and mathematics. Thank you.

Summer Reading Challenge: We are once again working with the local libraries on the Summer Challenge.  The library representatives will be coming to an assembly to launch this years ‘big read’.  Children will be rewarded in school for completing the challenge and certificates will be presented in a September Family Assembly.

Holiday Challenge: Posters, models, poems, diaries, descriptions, pictures.  We want to know about your holiday whether it is taken in Kirkstall or elsewhere. This is an annual challenge with prizes and colour points.

Goodbye to staff: At the end of term we will sadly be saying goodbye to Miss Bellamy, in Year 2, and Miss Nokes who has been on a temporary contract at Beecroft.

Miss Bellamy has made an excellent start here, at Beecroft, and is leaving to take up a post at Carr Manor Community Primary School. I’m sure that you will join me in wishing her every success in the future.  We also thank Miss Nokes for her support and commitment to Beecroft and wish her well in the future.

Beecroft After School Club: The After School Club transfers, through TUPE, to Beecroft Primary School governance and leadership in September 2017.  Ms Diane Milner will continue to manage the daily running of the club.  An advert has been placed for a play worker 2.30pm to 6pm details in the office.

Dinner Supervisor Post – 11.30am – 1.00pm daily, term time only A1 – B1 (£8.10) hourly rate

If you are interested and would like more details and an application form, please ask in the office. (Closing date Friday 21st July 2017). To start 6th September 2017.

Family Assembly 21st July 2017: Key Stage 2 Music – flute, violin, recorder, ukulele, djembe

Presentation of Bikeability awards to Year 6

Final leavers Assembly – Wednesday 26th July 2pm: Pupils can leave with parents early if the assembly finishes before 3.15pm

A final ‘big’ thank you to FAB our Friends At Beecroft for all their support, with money raising, throughout the year.  Thank you to all our governors who also work tirelessly for our school behind the scenes.

Safety: Please have a safe, happy and restful summer holiday.


Nursery Return: Monday 11TH September

Yours sincerely



  1. Turner


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