February 2018

Dear Parents,

We have much to be proud of at Beecroft Primary School. Staff give up their time and talents to run extra curricula clubs and our residentials.

Year 5 enjoyed their residential to Nell Bank. There was an emphasis on team building and the development of resilience. Year 6 had their residential to Castleton in the autumn term.

Year 4 are looking forward to their residential at Malham on the 27th and 28th February. There are many skills to be learned and experiences when pupils’ have the opportunity to spend time away from home.

Parental Responsibility and Rights: Once again I have been in contact with police officers. This time the issue is car-engines left running whilst parents pick up and drop off children. The pollution caused, will affect your child, and is more than a nuisance for some parents who have Pulmonary Fibrosis. A driver of a BMW leaves the engine running and the car unattended whilst collecting. I can only respectfully request that parents take more responsibility and set a good example to children.

  • Please park in the Milford Club Car Park and walk the remaining 5 minutes to school.
  • Please do not leave car engines running.

We all have a right to clean air and we all have a responsibility to care for the environment – if only for the sake of our children – the next generation.

Please support!

Lateness: Thank you to those families who have improved!

There is still a concern that some families are late on a regular basis.

School starts at 8.50am

Parent Governor Votes: Final day Friday 9th February.

Internet Safety Week: All the school are learning about how to be safe week beginning 5th February.

Mental Health Day: Thursday 8th February

(Children Mental Health)

The theme is being ourselves and building resilience. How do key figures both in history and today build resilience so that they cope with day to day living.

Family Assembly – Friday 9th February: Year 5 Nell Bank

We break up for half-term on Friday 9th February and return to school Monday 19th February.

There is not a Family Assembly on Friday 23rd February.

Thank you for your support.


Yours sincerely




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