May Newsletter 2018

Dear Parents,
Thank you for your continuing support and patience with our major building project. Work is progressing as planned and we can only hope for fine weather in the forthcoming weeks.

Year 6 National Tests: Year 6 has worked extremely hard during their test week. Their positive attitudes deserve praise. They have benefited from their own hard work and the teaching of Miss Brown and Miss Turner throughout the year. Extra booster classes have been held during the Easter holidays and they have had homework clubs and 1:1 support each week. Our ‘free’ breakfast club has been well attended during the test week.

Trips and Visits: Trips and visits are a very important part of our education. Year 3 has spent a day at Nell Bank Centre. Years 3, 4, 5 will be attending the Birds of Prey Centre which will be part of their science and reading. Year 2SS are going to Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

Other Trips: Year 5 studied World War 2 at Armley Mills.

Reception Classes and Nursery: Wednesday 23rd May (3.30pm -5.00pm) Informal session to look at your child’s work and to discuss with teacher.

As a National Support School (Miss Turner is a National Leader of Education) we are supporting other Reception teachers in practical approaches with the curriculum and the development of writing.

Work with other Schools on Writing: Beecroft Primary School is a writing Hub and supports other teachers in Leeds on the development of writing.

Notice Board in Playground: This will be replaced with a user-friendly board which will contain newsletters and important information.

Your suggestions and support is always welcome.

Dates for your diary
(Please note change of Family Assembly)

Friday 18 th May – No Family Assembly

Friday 25 th May – Y3ES, Y4LC Family Assembly on
their trips and visits

Friday 8 th June – No Family Assembly

We break up on Friday 25 th May and return to school on Wednesday 6 th June

Yours sincerely

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