September 2018 Newsletter

Dear Parents                                  Welcome Back!

Thank you for all your hard work in ensuring that your child has returned to school so well. All our children look very smart, are well prepared and enthusiastic. The holiday challenge and summer reading challenge has been taken up by many children. Thank You!

Our staff team has also worked hard in ensuring that the school was ready on time. Together we have lifted, carried, organised, cleaned and finished internal organisation.

Our new building is an exciting opportunity. We have a designated room for art and D.T so that all pupils have art and design and technology opportunities.  I think you will be delighted with the result.

Letter from class teachers: You should have received a letter explaining days for P.E, swimming (if applicable), library and a welcome from your child’s class teacher.

Daily Mile: Years 1-6 will be participating in this initiative. (See next wellbeing newsletter)

Reading: Please support with reading and our reading diary.

Parents are Partners: We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to be happy and successful. If you want to discuss any matters, please contact the office to make an appointment with myself or your child’s class teacher.

We have much to be proud of, at Beecroft, not least in our broad and balanced curriculum – musical instrument teaching, DT, art. We have signed up, this year, for Artsmark and to be Mind-mate Champions. (More in the wellbeing newsletter.) Our Year 6 parents were delighted with their child’s achievements in July. Leeds City Council has also reminded all parents of the importance of the 3 ‘A’s’ – attendance, achievement and attainment in enabling children to be happy and successful.

We look forward to working with you and your child in the year ahead.

J Turner


Dates for your diary.

As we used the training days to get the building organised we have agreed an additional day for mandatory training on Monday 5th November after half term. (The calendar remains the same otherwise).

Friday 21st September – Family Assembly and informal viewing of the new build

Friday 19th October – Musical Harvest Festival and presentation of music medals

Wednesday 24th October: Consultation Evening 3pm-6pm

Monday 5th November – Training Day

Thursday 8th November – Open Evening

Friday 9th November – Open Morning

Tuesday 11th December – Christmas Concert (pm)

Wednesday12th December – Christmas Concert (6pm)

Friday 21st December – Reception and Key Stage 1 Nativity

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