Newsletter January 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Dear Parents
We are looking forward to working with you in partnership. We want all our pupils’ to be happy and successful. There are a number of residential visits arranged in Key Stage 2. Year 5 have 2 nights and 3 days at Herd Farm in North Leeds and Year 4 have 2 days at Malham Cove We are continuing with our Design and Technology in partnership with ICSAT at Dixons Technology College in Bradford. Our musicians and Key Stage 2 instrumental teaching continues to be very successful. One of our key priorities, both in staff training, and with pupils’ is the development of reading.

Pupils’ must develop a wider vocabulary – word, words, words and their meanings. Please continue to read to your child right up to Year 6. Encourage an interest in the news and discuss. I am always available, by appointment, to discuss how you can help and give specific advice for your child.

Uniform: Thank you for your support. When replacing clothing, please can you buy the correct uniform. School trousers/skirts are grey and navy (not denim, or fashion). School jumpers can be ordered from school with the school logo.

Girls and boys, with pierced ears, should wear plain studs in school (not hanging or fashion earrings).

School start time: This is 8.50am children should be in the playground when the bell rings. The gate is locked at 8.55am promptly as nursery uses this area near the gate. Late pupils; report to school office. Please allow extra time to get to school in cold January weather.

Please support us in ensuring that your child has a good habit of arriving at school on time every day. Lessons are held up for all when a child arrives late.

Dinner Money: In an envelope please Monday morning (£12.25). Your child gives this to the class teacher.

Attendance: Overall 98% to 1st January 2019. Good attendance (Ofsted judgement) is over 96%.

Please ring school on the first day of absence, if your child is ill.

Dates for your diary
Family Assembly:
Friday 18th January
Friday 1st February
Friday 15th February

School Trips:
Year 5 – 24th January – Armley Museum
Year 3 – 4th February – Saltaire
Year 4 – 26th February – 27th February – Malham Cove – Residential
Year 5 – 11th March – 13th March – Herd Farm – Residential

Well-being day:
Friday 15th February

Fair Trade Fort-night:
25th February to 10th March

Thank you for your continuing support for the school.

Yours sincerely


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