Author Archives: beecroftadmin

Summer Newsletter July 2019

Dear Parents, A big thank you to FAB and all our parents who helped or supported our Summer Fair.  It was a glorious warm afternoon and the stalls were enjoyed by all.  £1266.25 was raised on the day. Well done … Continue reading

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June 2019 Newsletter

Dear Parents, I hope that you feel that the year is progressing well for your children in school. It has certainly been very busy and it seems amazing that this time last year we were in the middle of a … Continue reading

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Newsletter March 2019

Dear Parents, Ofsted Pilot Inspection I am sure that you will be delighted by the result of our Pilot Ofsted Inspection which took place for 2½ days last week. The full report transcribed by the Local Authority at the feedback … Continue reading

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Online Safety Alert

Dear Parents, As I am sure you are aware, there has been growing concerns in the news recently about children’s use of Youtube, where the “Momo Challenge” and “Violent Peppa Pig” episodes have been popping up. Download the attached leaflet … Continue reading

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Newsletter February 2019

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Safer Internet Day

In school this week we have been celebrating Safer Internet Day. Download Supporting Young People Online Download Safer Internet Day

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Newsletter January 2019

Happy New Year 2019 Dear Parents We are looking forward to working with you in partnership. We want all our pupils’ to be happy and successful. There are a number of residential visits arranged in Key Stage 2. Year 5 … Continue reading

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