Category Archives: Admin
FAB Newsletter September 2016
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September 2016/2017 New Letter Autumn Term
Dear Parents, Welcome back! Thank you for the care and support in ensuring that pupils are wearing their school uniform and are well equipped for the new school year. Indoor pumps need names! Holiday Challenge: It isn’t too late to … Continue reading
Newsletter July 15th July
Dear Parents, We are nearly at the end of the 2015-2016 academic year. Thank you very much for all the support in making our school successful.
Newletter 1st July 2016
Dear Parents, The end of term and the end of our school year is starting to ‘creep up’. School Fair: Thank you very much for your generosity and huge support for FAB and school in raising approximately £1400.00. This is … Continue reading
Newsletter 9th June 2016
Dear Parents, I hope you had an enjoyable spring break.
End of Term May 27th – Newsletter
Dear Parents, I would like to start by thanking you, once again for all the support. Those of you who have whole-heartedly supported Park and Stride because of our parking issue on Sandford Road, Thank you. We would like this … Continue reading
Summer Newsletter 2016
26th April 2016 Dear Parents, A reminder of dates for this half term.
Spring Newsletter 2016
Dear Parents, Thank you for all the support during the Spring Term. Trips & Visits: Year 6 has enjoyed a three day residential to Boggle Hole near Whitby. Thanks to all the staff who volunteered for this venture.
Newsletter March 2016
Dear Parents, Library: It is just a year ago that I wrote about our plans for a new library. I am pleased to announce that following a spend of £180,000 and £9,600 on the building and books respectively, it is … Continue reading
February Newsletter 2016
Dear Parents, Library Success: (£200,000) We are delighted that our new library is nearing completion. We have spent £9,600 on new books. This magnificent sum includes the £4000 sponsor money from FAB. Pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage … Continue reading