Category Archives: Admin
Sports Relief Letter
This year we are really excited to be raising money for Sport Relief 2014! As one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise cash and change lives.
School Letter
Dear Parents, As you will be aware the National Union of Teachers (NUT) has voted to hold a strike on 26th March. This action is being taken as part of a campaign against proposals to make changes to public sector … Continue reading
Newsletter March 2014
Dear Parents/Guardian, Thank you for your continued support which is ensuring excellent standards continue throughout school.
Newsletter February 2014
Dear Parents/Guardian We are always grateful for your support. We expect all families to support attendance, punctuality and reading. Attendance and Punctuality Our attendance to date is excellent 97.7%
Newsletter – January 2014
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 January Weather and Punctuality School starts at 8.50am (10 minutes to 9). Please support us by getting your child to school on time.
Newsletter 6 December
Dear Parents, Our very busy two weeks starts on Monday 9th December. Pupils in Key Stage 2 will need their shirt for Monday 9th, if they are a workhouse boy.
November Newletter
Dear Parents We are now at a very busy time in the school year. Winter Fair – Wednesday 27th November: This is a very important money raising event organised by Friends at Beecroft (FAB). We need – ornaments, books, toys, … Continue reading
October Newsletter – 2013
Dear Parents Harvest Festival & Open Evening/Day Thank you for the tremendous support for these events 200 people came to our Harvest. It was a very enjoyable celebration of music and poetry. We raised £106 for the Syrian Appeal. Thank … Continue reading
FAB Friends at Beecroft
Hello and welcome to a new FAB year. For those parents new to school FAB is the school’s parent teacher association (PTA). FAB Newsletter FAB Coffee Morning
Final Newsletter 2012-2013
Dear Parents We are rapidly coming to the end of a very successful year at Beecroft. The year has flown by! Thank You There are many thanks to give at the end of this year for all the voluntary contributions … Continue reading