Headteacher’s Letter 26th January 2021.

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for all your support and positive feedback which is very much appreciated. I hope that some of your loved ones have now received their first vaccine. Staff, at Beecroft, have now received Covid home-testing kits and twice weekly we are all carrying out a Covid test. This is providing some reassurance as we teach.

ALL our Teachers are teaching in school all week: As you know we took the decision that pupils are taught in their year groups in school. The out of school learning mirrors the work in class. Some of our teachers are providing cover to help teachers prepare the on-line learning which is time consuming. The videos from Oak Academy or Beecroft enable those out of school to re-play and this is particularly useful in Years 5 and 6 for making notes and listening again. Times are strange but we are trying to provide high quality learning both in and out of school. (Our remote learning policy is on-line.) All pupils at home have been given a lap-top or chrome book from school and we are confident that, with parent help, they will not fall back so long as work is completed weekly and assignments handed in on TEAMS. Key worker and vulnerable children are in school learning. We are doing our best to enable safety and normality for children in equal measure.
At the last lockdown I stressed the importance of reading – it is the key to everything – we will always provide more books for you to collect if needed.

Collection End of School: Please continue to enable our school to be Covid-secure: Wear a face-covering and observe the 2 metre distance markers around the narrow footpath. Ideally, ask your child to meet you at a fixed point in the back playground or near the front car-park. Thank you for your help with this – it is much appreciated in our endeavour to keep everyone safe.

Like you, I want Beecroft Primary to return to a full school as soon as the government allows. I am confident that school continues to be Covid secure and that those of you home-learning have the best that we can provide. These unsettling times will pass.

Best wishes,
J. Turner

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Online Safety Advice For Parents

With many children currently off school and staying home due to COVID 19 the potential for online exploitation will be at its highest.

Read the attached document for helpful advice.

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Headteacher’s Letter 12th January 2021.

(Reminder February Half-Term Holiday: The school is NOT open to any children and is still a holiday: Close Friday 12th February and re-open Monday 22 February)

Dear Parent/Carer,
Thank you for all the positive and supportive comments about Beecroft’s handling of the sudden announcements made just a week ago. As you will know we have remained open throughout and now have two groups of pupils – those vulnerable and of critical workers in school and those out of school who are remote learning. There has been high demand, from parents, for children to continue in school. We have not turned anyone down and have been generous in our interpretation of critical worker. All nursery children can attend as normal as government guidance is that they need the early development offered by professionals in school. If your nursery child is not in nursery, please do not let them miss their early education – it is not too late to send them.

Pupils’ In School: All classes are receiving continued daily timetabled teaching by their year group teachers and the week is organised just as it would be in ‘normal times’. It is better for children’s wellbeing that they are in their usual year groups and continuing with their education. They can socialise with their friends in the normal routines of breaks and lunchtimes. ( All health and safety measures and separate zones are operating as we have done since September.) There is no change for those in school. There is no change for the teachers who are with their classes and teaching every day in school.

Pupils’ At home on Remote learning: ALL pupils who needed a laptop or chrome book have been given one. (We spent £30,000 of our own money buying 80 chrome books this year) No child has been left without the technology and we have given many families a laptop for each child, in the family, if needed. As we were only entitled to 4 laptops from the government, Beecroft has done extremely well in its offer. All pupils, at home, have the same books and work as those in school and will be able to access Teams and use the live and recorded work. Work for remote learning is the same as that for children in school. Please do the work as asked on the timetable. Teachers are teaching all week and are having to prepare the remote learning as well – it is a double workload. Staff cannot respond to individual emails and assignments need to be ‘handed in’ as explained on Teams. It is expected that all pupils take part – and it is not an option to do nothing. (This will be followed up.)

There will be two Friday additional live wellbeing lessons from Mrs Carter, each week at 1pm for Key Stage 1 and Reception and 1.45 for Key Stage 2 Years 3-6.
Monday 9.00 Key stage 1, Monday 9.45 key Stage 2 – each week – how to get going and organised.

This has been a challenging week for staff, in school, who have had to do double the work for in and out of school learning. I know that you will join with me in thanking them and that you will be mindful of the considerable pressure that the lockdown announcement made. As always, Beecroft has gone the extra mile in its commitment to its families.

Please continue to support us at this difficult time as we will do our best to support you.

Best wishes,
J. Turner


Beecroft Primary School

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Headteacher’s Letter 5th January 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,
I am sure that you are as concerned as I am that this evening’s announcement means that schools will be closed for the majority of pupils until further notice. Vulnerable pupils and children of key workers are still able to attend school and I ask you to send details and evidence of key worker status to the office by tomorrow lunchtime at the latest. Should you not be able to make child- care arrangements at this short notice then pupils (all families not just key worker) can come to school as normal tomorrow as a contingency and one day only arrangement.
I will be contacting you again tomorrow with arrangements for packs, timetables and remote learning after meeting with the staff before school tomorrow. I am so sorry that the latest directive is entirely out of my hands and that I, like you, had to watch the news to gain the information.
As you know I, together with the staff team, will do everything we can to try to mitigate damage to your child’s education.

With my support and best wishes,
J. Turner

Beecroft Primary School

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Join with us in our winter celebrations as we share art, music and dance.

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Headteacher’s Update and Newsletter 7th December 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Who would have imagined that 2020 would finish with the Covid Pandemic? Thank you so much for all the support that we have received – the encouragement and thanks have been much appreciated. I am sorry that Reception children have caught the virus and hope that they recover soon and that the whole family is not brought down with it. I am sorry that we had to send all Reception home – especially as we had done so well from June to December and we were not complacent in our safety measures. I am also sorry that our usual Christmas events have been put on hold – Christmas Concerts, Winter fair, disco’s, Nativity, consultation evenings, open evenings, FAB events (there is a mini version of a Reception nativity in the winter video). Beecroft Primary School has not been as we know it. Things will get back to normal by spring – I hope.

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Headteacher’s Letter 12th November 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
We continue to be extremely careful in following all guidance so that we protect pupils and staff.
I want to reassure you that we always check with Public Health England and their guidance is followed in full – if a child has been out of school for 48 hours and are Covid positive we do not need to collapse a bubble or zone. This is Public Health England advise. We want all parents to be vigilant in checking for signs and symptoms even though we are all aware that children can be asymptomatic. Get a test if you are unsure. No staff have been in school and tested positive. We have not had children in school who have tested positive – any have been outside the 48 -hour period. I understand the anxiety around the pandemic and the stress that it is causing particularly with elderly relatives and loved ones who are vulnerable.
Going forward into the future, if we have any case – albeit outside the 48 hour period I will let the class concerned know even when the bubble can continue to operate – this means that you will be able to check your child’s symptoms and take precautions with elderly relatives.
We are, at Beecroft, working hard to protect everybody. We will continue to do so in the lead up to the Christmas break.

Thank you for your continued support and good-will in these difficult circumstances. The support is much appreciated.

Best wishes,
J. Turner

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Headteacher’s Letter 1st November 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope that the half-term holiday has been an enjoyable break despite the weather. I also hope that you have enjoyed our YouTube Harvest Video.
I wanted to reassure you, after yesterday’s month lockdown news, that all procedures are in place to ensure your child’s safety as schools remain open and attendance continues to be compulsory. Vigilance within our system is of the utmost importance so that our education at Beecroft is uninterrupted. It means a lot of hand-washing, separate zones/bubbles and a considered approach to everything we do. We want children in school so that the vital learning continues. I am pleased that education will not be affected by the month lockdown and that school is compulsory. You made a great effort in the first half term. Thankyou! Please continue to support us as we make up the time lost from March 2020.
I have already communicated with staff who are taking great care out of school to enable us to run smoothly. Our staff meetings are on Teams to limit adult to adult contact. Please can I respectfully repeat – only one parent to accompany and pick up, please ring or email – no conversations at the classroom doors, please keep your distance from others and wear a face covering during the short drop off time. All our timings remain the same.

We look forward to welcoming all our pupils tomorrow – Monday 2nd November.

Best wishes,
J Turner

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Join us and celebrate with our virtual Harvest Festival

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Thursday 19th November 9.30am – 11.45am
Thursday 26th November 9.30am – 11.45am
Wednesday 2nd December 1.15pm – 2.45pm

Please ring the school office to make an appointment to attend these sessions on 0113 2618820.

Download leaflet

Masks must be worn at all times during the appointment.

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