It is some time since I wrote to you about holidays or extended leave taken during term time. I would like to start by thanking the majority of parents who never take their child/children out of school. Thank you!

Those pupils’ taking time off do fall behind with their school work and it is proven that they do less well in National Tests.

A number of families are taking our goodwill and patience for granted. Governors have been clear, that those taking 20 days (40 sessions) or more, as the law explains, will lose their place at Beecroft. We have waiting lists of pupils wanting a place.

Some pupils have lost their place this September as they went on holiday for more than 20 days.

Pupils will lose their place, at Beecroft, and will need to apply for another school, if they are on leave over 20 school days or 40 sessions.


  • DO NOT book tickets before any dates have been discussed with school one month in advance at least. A meeting will be held with the Headteacher.
  • All holidays/leave in term time are unauthorised and one week can be detrimental
  • Holidays/exceptional leave cannot be taken in test years
    • No leave in Year 6 (National Tests 11 May 2020)
    • No leave in Year 2
    • No leave in Year 1 National phonics tests in June
  • Pupils who are working below national expectations should not take leave.
  • 20 school days leave, results in a child being taken off roll and the place is filled from the waiting list. You will need to apply to another school.
  • Any holiday of any length will result in a fine. (£60 per parent, £60 per child £240 family of 4)
  • A referral will be made to the Education Authority – Children Missing in Education (CME) if the child does not return on time.
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Newsletter September 2019

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to 2019-2020.

Thank you for returning on time and for ensuring that all our children are smart and well prepared.

Summer Reading and Holiday Challenge: Pupils have until Wednesday 11th September to complete this (10 colour points if joining in and the chance of a prize)

After School Club: Teachers provide extra-curricular clubs free of charge and through good-will. These are on Monday Tuesday and Thursday. Teachers are in meetings and training on Wednesday evening each week. If you need child care please do not rely on the extra-curricular clubs as there will be times when they are not available. Our After School Club Childcare prices and conditions can be collected from the school office.

Extra-Curricular Clubs 3.15pm – 4.15pm start on Monday 23rd September: Please collect your child promptly from the side of the hall at 4.15pm.

Parents are Partners: We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to be happy and successful. If you want to discuss any matters, please contact the office to make an appointment with myself or your child’s class teacher. We have much to be proud of, at Beecroft, not least in our broad and balanced curriculum – musical instrument teaching, DT, art. Our Year 6 parents were delighted with their child’s achievements in July. Leeds City Council has also reminded all parents of the importance of the 3 ‘A’s’ – attendance, achievement and attainment in enabling children to be happy and successful.

We look forward to working with you and your child in the year ahead.

School Office Opening Times: The school office is open to parents at the following times for forms and uniform and payments. (Please respect the running of the business side of the school). If you need an appointment with the Headteacher or your child’s class teacher, please ring the school office on 0113 2618820.

Monday to Friday 8.50am – 9.10am (not uniform or payments) – General Enquiries

Thursday each week 9.00am – 9.30am – All payments and uniform.

The office is closed completely at 2.30pm on Friday each week

Dinner Money: Please send each Monday in an envelope with your child’s name and class on it. This must be handed to their class teacher. The cost of a school dinner is £2.50 per day (£12.50 weekly). If you are paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to Beecroft Primary School.

Attendance: Please support your child by not taking holidays in term time. School starts at 8.50am pupils should be in the playground at 8.45am. School finishes at 3.15pm.

Dates for your diary

18 September – Year 5 trip to Scarborough

13 September – Family Assembly, 27 September – Family Assembly

18 October – Family Assembly – Musical Harvest Festival- Presentation of Music Medals

25 October – Well-being Day

14th November – Open Evening – 6.00pm – 7.30pm

15th November – Open Morning – 9.00am – 11.00am

(Please note in view of the potential situation that if there is a General Election the school will be used as a polling station and school will be closed)


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Final Newsletter July 2019

Final Newsletter July 2019

Dear Parents,

Please see the reverse for the re-organised Sports Day.

I just wanted to say an end of term final ‘thank you’ for the tremendous support for our children. Without your support for reading, attendance, uniform, routines (to name just a small number of things), we would not be able to run such a successful school.

This week we have enjoyed fixtures with other local schools winning some football and rounders but certainly enjoying the game, a wonderful Reception Concert and more trips and visits.

Next week 65 pupils go to Pizza Hut to celebrate their 100% attendance 2018/2019.

Our provisional Year 6 test results are very high compared with local schools and National. Well done to all (see website)

Looking forward


Please bring the correct uniform – check on the website please (no playsuits),

 grey skirt, pinafore or trousers, white or blue polo shirt, all dark P.E shorts and white round neck t-shirt, black indoor pumps, logo school jumper or cardigan.


 All pupils must return to school on Wednesday 4th September  


 We are taking a much harder line with extended leave and holidays which we do not expect in term-time during 2019/2020. Please see previous letters.

  • No time OFF in Year 6 (Test Year) Year 6 Tests are week beginning 9th May 2020.
  • Leave 20+ days means the loss of your school place.

It is not surprising that those pupils with excellent attendance do well.

Congratulations on 100% attendance every year from Reception to Year 6 to Zixun Yang.

All that is left for me to say is have an enjoyable summer break.

School returns on Wednesday 4th September

School starts at 8.50am (In the playground at 8.45am)

Thank you again for your support,

Yours sincerely,



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Summer Newsletter July 2019

Dear Parents,

A big thank you to FAB and all our parents who helped or supported our Summer Fair.  It was a glorious warm afternoon and the stalls were enjoyed by all.  £1266.25 was raised on the day. Well done everyone!

Adventure Playground: Many parents came along to try out our new area behind the hall.  Comments were very positive and certainly all pupils were excited, laughing and very happy to have a new space and equipment.

The area, at a cost of £70,000 has been made possible by an approach at Beecroft where all leaders including the Headteacher, teach.  This approach was commented on very positively in our pilot Ofsted Inspection in March. 

Parents must supervise pupils if using the adventure playground after school and come out of the front gate by 4.15pm

Grand Opening – 8.50am – 16th July when 4 local Councillors will be looking around school from 8.30am to 9.30am.  Parents please meet at the Adventure Playground steps to watch School Council cut the ribbon.

Sports day Friday 19th July – parents welcome on the field

Key Stage One – 9.15am – 10.30am

Key Stage Two – 10.45am – 12.00 noon

Kirkstall Festival – Saturday 13th July – Down on the Farm – Pupils will be making costumes in school.  Meet at school at 11.15am and the parade starts at Hesketh Road at 12 noon.  The parade will finish in the arena at 1.00pm.  Pupils in Year 5 and 6 (only) can come independently with your permission.  All other pupils MUST be accompanied by parents.  There is no supervision on the grounds of and the festival.  NB SUPERVISION AND CARE IS ENTIRELY THE RESPONSIBIILTY OF PARENTS AND CARERS.  The school accepts no responsibility once the parade has finished and parents/carers are responsible during the parade.

Kirkstall Art Trail 20th & 21st July – Beecroft artwork will be displayed in Kirkstall Leisure Centre (see Twitter, Google, Facebook ‘Kirkstall Art Trail’

Attendance Well done to the 75 pupils who have 100% attendance and the 196 pupils with attendance over 97% which is high.

Please note and support this part of our Home School Agreement.  

Text Box: No leave in Year 6 tests week commencing 9 May
No leave in Year 2 assessment year
No leave in Year 1 phonics tests in June

Pupils who are working below national expectations should not take leave.
20 days results in a child being taken off role. At this level it is considered that you have left the school and the place is filled from the waiting list.

Holidays/exceptional leave cannot be taken in test years.

Governors are supporting the school in a firmer stand on leave in term time.  Any leave must not be booked without discussion with the school.  (full details available in the office).

Dates for your diary

  • 16th July – Invitation to Councillors to look around the school from 8.30 to 9.30am.  Adventure Playground grand opening 8.50am. You are all welcome at the Adventure Park.
  • 12th July –  KS2 Music, singing drama assembly 2.00pm. 
  • 13th July – Kirkstall Festival – Meet at 11.15 school (11.30am Hesketh Road)
  • 17th July – Parent Consultation – 3.15pm – 6.00 pm (To discuss the report)
  • 18th July – Reception Parents Assembly 2.00pm.
  • 19th July – Sports Day – KS1 9.15 am – KS2 10.45 – 12.00 noon
  • 24thJuly – Year 6 Leavers Assembly and Family Assembly 2.00pm.

Thanks and Goodbyes

Staff Changes: We would like to say a big thank you to Miss Daniel, who started her teaching career at Beecroft, and is now moving to Knaresborough, to Miss Crathorne who has taken a part-time Special Needs post in Bramley and to Mrs Dad who is taking a teacher-training course.  We wish them every success in the future.

New Staff

Mr Smith Y5 – with Mr Campbell

Miss Smith Y3 – with Miss Walker

Miss Edmundson Y2

No clubs from 15th July only the fixtures and cups below:

  • 11th July           Year 5/6 – Rounders tournament
  • 15th July           Y6 Boys football (home match) v Kirkstall St Stephens

Y6 Girls football (home match) v Kirkstall St Stephens

  • 17th July          Y5 attending the opening of Headingley Stadium
  • 18th July          Y5/6 football Headingley Cup at Becketts Park.

We have had an excellent school year and I hope you are justifiably proud of the work of both our school and your child.

Yours sincerely



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June 2019 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

I hope that you feel that the year is progressing well for your children in school. It has certainly been very busy and it seems amazing that this time last year we were in the middle of a major building project. Continue reading

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Beecroft Primary School Wellbeing Newsletter

Download Newsletter

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Newsletter March 2019

Dear Parents,

Ofsted Pilot Inspection
I am sure that you will be delighted by the result of our Pilot Ofsted Inspection which took
place for 2½ days last week. The full report transcribed by the Local Authority at the feedback
session to governors is attached. Whilst the report is not published with a grade there is no
doubt that Beecroft is amongst the best schools in the country.
The report is glowing in its praise! Inspectors said, “It had been a refreshing privilege to spend
time at Beecroft Primary School” and that our school “constantly goes the extra mile”. The
pupils are described as having, “keen attitudes to learning” and there are “excellent
relationships between adults and children”. I hope that you are justly proud of our
achievements and our work together to ensure that the children in our care receive the very
best that schools can provide. Continue reading

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Online Safety Alert

Dear Parents,
As I am sure you are aware, there has been growing concerns in the news recently about children’s use of Youtube, where the “Momo Challenge” and “Violent Peppa Pig” episodes have been popping up.

Download the attached leaflet which gives good practical advice for how you can help to protect your child online.

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Newsletter February 2019

Download newsletter

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Safer Internet Day

In school this week we have been celebrating Safer Internet Day.
Download Supporting Young People Online
Download Safer Internet Day

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