Newsletter November 2016

Dear Parents,

We have had a very busy and successful number of weeks since October half-term. We welcomed twenty Norwegian school leaders on two separate occasions.  They were very impressed by our school and glowing in their praise. Continue reading

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Newsletter October 2016

Dear Parents,

The start of the new school year has been a successful one. Thank you for supporting our Harvest Festival and for being so generous with your contributions of food.  The Harvest has gone to St George’s Crypt for the homeless, to your nominated families and £60 has been sent to Caring for Life, a charity that supports those with disabilities. Thank you! Continue reading

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Open Evening and Open Morning

Choosing a school for Reception 2017
We warmly welcome you to our Open Evening and Open Morning

Thursday 10th November 2016
6.00 – 7.30 pm

Friday 11th November 2016
9.15 – 11.00 am

Bring your family and enjoy looking at
children’s work on display

Download Flyer

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FAB Newsletter September 2016

Download our FAB Newsletter


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September 2016/2017 New Letter Autumn Term

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! Thank you for the care and support in ensuring that pupils are wearing their school uniform and are well equipped for the new school year. Indoor pumps need names!

Holiday Challenge: It isn’t too late to take part. The last day for the challenge is Wednesday 14 September.  Please encourage your child.

First Family Assembly: Friday 16th September.  (No assembly 9 September).  Prizes will be presented for holiday challenges.

Religious Observance: Religious observance is allowed as authorised absence up to a maximum of 2 days in total for an academic year (September to July). This is authorised absence.  Parents should request the day’s observance by letter before the leave day.

School starts at 8.50am: Pupils should be in the playground before the bell goes.

Parking – Milford Club Car Park: Please support our school by not parking in Sandford road. Thank you to the parents who always support us.

Holidays in term time: These are not approved and will result in an unauthorised absence mark for your child. Holidays taken during the school term have a negative impact on your child’s achievement.  Please support us!

Date for the Autumn Term 1

Wednesday 14 September            Year 4 trip – Leeds City Museum

Thursday 15 September                 Year 5 trip – Scarborough

Friday 16 September                      First family assembly

Wednesday 28 September            Year 2 – Kirkstall Abbey

Monday 3 October                          Year 3 class – Saltaire

Friday 14 October                            Harvest Festival and Music Medals Presentation

Wednesday 19-20 October           Year 6 – Castleton

Friday 21 October                            Half Term.  Return Tuesday 1st November.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are matters you want to discuss.


Calendar for 2016 – 2017 overleaf

Yours sincerely


Head teacher

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Newsletter July 15th July

Dear Parents,

We are nearly at the end of the 2015-2016 academic year. Thank you very much for all the support in making our school successful. Continue reading

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Newletter 1st July 2016

Dear Parents,

The end of term and the end of our school year is starting to ‘creep up’.

School Fair: Thank you very much for your generosity and huge support for FAB and school in raising approximately £1400.00. This is tremendous! Well done to FAB and all our parents and pupils. Continue reading

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Newsletter 9th June 2016

Dear Parents,

I hope you had an enjoyable spring break. Continue reading

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End of Term May 27th – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

I would like to start by thanking you, once again for all the support. Those of you who have whole-heartedly supported Park and Stride because of our parking issue on Sandford Road, Thank you. We would like this to continue. Continue reading

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Summer Newsletter 2016

26th April 2016

Dear Parents,


A reminder of dates for this half term. Continue reading

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