Easter Egg competition

There are only two weeks left before we break up for the Easter holidays and the time has come to start thinking about our annual Easter Egg competition! This year the challenge is to decorate a boiled or blown egg by using a variety of patterns and colours to create a beautifully finished product. There will be examples around school to give the children some ideas and inspiration! Remember, only the egg will be judged, not the egg cup/holder that they transport it in.

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Sports Relief Letter

This year we are really excited to be raising money for Sport Relief 2014! As one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise cash and change lives. Continue reading

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School Letter

Dear Parents,
As you will be aware the National Union of Teachers (NUT) has voted to hold a strike on 26th March. This action is being taken as part of a campaign against proposals to make changes to public sector pay, working conditions and pensions provisions going forwards. Continue reading

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Newsletter March 2014

Dear Parents/Guardian,

Thank you for your continued support which is ensuring excellent standards continue throughout school. Continue reading

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Newsletter February 2014

Dear Parents/Guardian
We are always grateful for your support.  We expect all families to support attendance, punctuality and reading.

Attendance and Punctuality
Our attendance to date is excellent 97.7% Continue reading

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Newsletter – January 2014


 January Weather and Punctuality

School starts at 8.50am (10 minutes to 9).  Please support us by getting your child to school on time. Continue reading

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Newsletter 6 December

Dear Parents,

Our very busy two weeks starts on Monday 9th December.  Pupils in Key Stage 2 will need their shirt for Monday 9th, if they are a workhouse boy. Continue reading

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November Newletter

Dear Parents

We are now at a very busy time in the school year.

 Winter Fair – Wednesday 27th November:  This is a very important money raising event organised by Friends at Beecroft (FAB).  We need – ornaments, books, toys, cakes and buns on the day, bottles.  Please support by sending items for the stalls.  Can you set a stall out on Wednesday 27th  November for 1.15pm?  You don’t have to come to FAB regularly as we need any help from any parents.  Could you go on a stall for part or all of the time from 3.15-5.00 pm?  Please fill in the slip below or ring the office.  Thank you. Continue reading

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October Newsletter – 2013

Dear Parents

Harvest Festival & Open Evening/Day
Thank you for the tremendous support for these events 200 people came to our Harvest. It was a very enjoyable celebration of music and poetry. We raised £106 for the Syrian Appeal. Thank you for all the harvest gifts.

Music Medals
We presented five pupils, who left in summer, with their Associated Board of the Royal School of Music Medals at bronze and silver level for violin, flute and recorder. This is a tremendous achievement. Seventeen more pupils have just taken tests at copper, bronze and silver level and have passed so we will be arranging a presentation before Christmas.

Reading Challenge
As a result of your support for our summer holiday reading challenge, we have been rewarded with a visiting author on the 7th November. Please look in the library as many of our Beecroft pupils have their book reviews on display. Well done!

Half –Term Reading Challenge
We have organised with the libraries, a half-term challenge to read two books. Your child will need to get their reading record stamped with a library stamp, each time they read a book. There will be a prize in school, presented at Family Assembly for those who complete it.
Please help with reading right up to Year 6
I am still concerned that it is not given high priority in some families
Thank you.

Free School Meals
There are still a number of children who are not taking up their entitlement. There are sandwiches, a cooked meal, fruit, cake, salad at every meal.
The lunches are good value and would save you a lot of money. You are welcome to come into school and try them. If you think you are eligible please ring Leeds Revenues and Benefits Service on 0113 222 4404 or visit leeds.gov.uk/schoolmeals.

Parent Governor Ballot
The last date for your vote is Friday 18th October. The vote will be counted by two community governors on Thursday 24th October and the result will be sent by pupil post on Friday 25th October.

Family Assembly
There is no family assembly on Friday 18th October, as we are interviewing.

Can we respectfully request that when parking near school, entrances to houses are not blocked. Once again we have had distressed residents coming into school. Thank you.

Dates for your diary
Friday 25th October – Break up for half term and return on Tuesday 5th November

After Half-Term
Thursday 14th November – Cookridge Primary observes lessons at Beecroft.
Friday 15th November – Children in Need Day
Thursday 21st November – Consultation Evening 3.30 – 6pm
Wednesday 11th December 2 pm – Key Stage 2/Drama Christmas Concert ‘Oliver’
Thursday 12th December 6 pm – Key Stage 2/Drama Christmas Concert ‘Oliver’
Thursday 19th December – Key Stage 1 and Reception nativity Family Assembly at 9.30am.
Thursday 19th December – afternoon parties.
Friday 20th December – no family assembly and Christmas dinner
Wednesday 27th November – Winter Fair 3.15pm
Wednesday 23rd October – Fab AGM in staff room ( Creche in reception)

Yours sincerely

J Turner

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FAB Friends at Beecroft

Hello and welcome to a new FAB year.
For those parents new to school FAB is the school’s parent teacher association (PTA).

FAB Newsletter
FAB Coffee Morning

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