Headteacher’s Letter 6th October 2020

Dear Parents/carers,
I would like to start by saying how proud I am of all our parents, pupils and staff. Thank you for getting your children into school and for navigating the information on illness. There has been a very nasty feverish cold going round but overall our children are attending well. After a month pupils are back into the routine of school and are enjoying seeing their friends – I think that the outside picnics, at lunchtime, have been very popular! There are challenges in running the school – staff are not getting their usual breaks as each zone/bubble needs separate supervision and our separate lunchtimes mean 11.45 to 1.30. If you would like to volunteer for some of that time or be short term paid please ring the office and I will contact you.

We are not fund-raising for school this term but for our harvest would like each child to bring a donation of up to a pound to buy beds for St George’s Crypt and the homeless. Each bed costs £30. There will be a Harvest Festival YouTube video at the end of this half-term. Money can come into school from tomorrow Thank you.
On the final day of half-term 23 October, which is a training day, you will be contacted by your child’s class teacher. It will be a telephone slot to give you feedback and allow you to have a chat about your child’s return to school.
We will all need to keep up our good work – taking care outside school – and when dropping off children. We are not changing any procedures which will be reviewed again in January.
If you need to make contact with school please ring the office or contact by email.
Thank you for you cooperation which is much appreciated.

Best wishes

June Turner
Beecroft Primary School

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