Headteacher’s Update: January 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for your cooperation and support. Despite Covid, the vast majority of pupils have high attendance to date and over 95%. We are writing to and ringing parents where we are particularly worried as attendance is below 90% and classed as persistent absence. For many this is because holidays/leave has been taken to other countries during term time. In many cases families have had difficulty returning to England because of cancelled flights or Covid restrictions.  Please do not book flights in term time as it results in a serious detrimental effect on your child’s education. Attendance at school is the single most important aspect of education.

Reading for pleasure and enjoyment of reading enables pupils to be successful in all aspects of school work. Please read to your child, please support your child to read at home at least 3 times during the week – any book – fiction, non-fiction, library book. By Year 6 children should be reading longer texts for pleasure and sustaining reading beyond a 20 minute slot. Please speak to myself or your child’s class teacher if you are having difficulties in getting your child to read with you.

A number of trips and visits have taken place since the start of term – Year 3 to the Discovery Museum for rocks and soil their science project and Year 5 to Armley Mills.

Just a polite reminder that key Stage 2 use a cartridge pen in school – please can you ensure that your child has their own. Thank you.

Finally, Covid cases in school are fluctuating. This week there are 5 children off school. Thank you for being vigilant and for spotting cases. Please continue to wear a mask around the school building and when speaking to staff in the playground. Once again, I will pass on the message we are asked to communicate – please get your vaccinations – it is not too late. A majority of staff have had their 3 vaccinations and because of this there is much less disruption to teaching.  We have the staff to thank for this.

Best wishes,

J. Turner

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