Category Archives: Admin
Newsletter – April 2013
Dear Parents Despite the weather we are in the final term of the year! Thank you for all the support you give to your child with reading and homework, attendance and ensuring their very positive attitude to school.
Newsletter – March 2013
Dear Parents Thank you for your support with attendance during this half term of very cold and unpleasant weather. Our average for our school from September 2012 to February half term 2013 is 97.7%. This is high. Well done. A … Continue reading
Newsletter – February 2013
Dear Parents Thank you for your support with attendance during this half term of very cold and unpleasant weather. Our average for our school from September 2012 to February half term 2013 is 97.7%. This is high. Well done. … Continue reading
Newsletter – January 2013
Dear Parents Thankyou for ensuring that your child or children attend school on the snow days. They have been a challenge for us! During this very cold weather school will close promptly at 3.15pm and we will inform you when … Continue reading
Newsletter – December 2012
Dear Parents This is the final December newsletter with thanks for all your support and with details for the final two weeks of term. Key Stage 2 Visit to Oliver at the Grand Theatre This was a most enjoyable experience … Continue reading
Newsletter 8th November 2012
Dear Parent Thank you for all the support. I am particularly thrilled when I see new words in reading diaries and your support for reading and homework.
Newsletter September 2012
Dear Parents, Welcome back! The summer holiday has passed very quickly! Ever more so as we have had major building work to accommodate our intake of 40 Reception children. This has been funded from Beecroft’s own budget. We have also … Continue reading
Choosing a School for Reception Class 2013
You will be warmly welcomed Evening Thursday 4 October 2012 6:00pm – 7:30pm Open Morning Friday 5 October 2012 Open 9:00am – 10:30am Or any Family Assembly 9.10 a.m to watch assembly and look around. Tel: 0113 214 4562 Download … Continue reading
School Uniform Orders
If you wish to order school uniform for September please complete the attached order form and return to school by Friday 13th July. Payment should be sent with the order.