Headteacher’s Letter 19th October 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
This is a final letter before we break up for half-term on Thursday 22 October. Thank you for ensuring that your children have returned to school ready to learn, smart and well supported. Behaviour from pupils has been impeccable and thanks to school and parent effort attendance has remained high throughout the half term. A majority of pupils have over 98% and whole school attendance is at 98%. This is an excellent achievement and means we can get on with the job of teaching.

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Headteacher’s Letter 12th October 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
Ahead of the news on further restrictions due to Covid 19, I wanted to thank you for your support and cooperation in the measures we have put in place in school. This is not an easy time for any of us and it is appreciated if we work together. Please wear a face covering outside, at school, and please do not try to speak to teachers at the doors of the classroom in the morning or evening. From 8.30 lessons are in progress for those who arrive early and we also want to minimise adult to adult contact – the reason for our phased entry and separate doors. Please wave from the edge of the playground now your child knows the route to their classroom door. Staff are taking every precaution in their personal lives so that they can remain in school and I thank them for that. To reassure – phone calls to the office, emails and notes via your child will be acted upon immediately. You will be allocated a phone call on 23 October when each class teacher will ring round to discuss settling in.
Please contribute to our virtual harvest by sending £1 for St George’s Crypt beds for the homeless. Thank you.
We will continue to work together so that we can provide the best for all our children – keep up the reading and listening to your child read.

With best wishes and thanks for your support,
J Turner

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Art Adventures In Lockdown

An online art exhibition to showcase and celebrate artwork created by primary school children during the COVID-19 lockdown. View pdf

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Headteacher’s Letter 6th October 2020

Dear Parents/carers,
I would like to start by saying how proud I am of all our parents, pupils and staff. Thank you for getting your children into school and for navigating the information on illness. There has been a very nasty feverish cold going round but overall our children are attending well. After a month pupils are back into the routine of school and are enjoying seeing their friends – I think that the outside picnics, at lunchtime, have been very popular! There are challenges in running the school – staff are not getting their usual breaks as each zone/bubble needs separate supervision and our separate lunchtimes mean 11.45 to 1.30. If you would like to volunteer for some of that time or be short term paid please ring the office and I will contact you.

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Headteacher’s Letter 3rd September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Tuesday 8th September: Autumn Term Start ALL Pupils

We are looking forward to welcoming all children from Reception to Year 6 on Tuesday 8th September. School is once again compulsory and it is important that excellent attendance gets us off to a flying start. Please be reassured that all the strict safety measures such as hand hygiene and separate playtimes are still in place and will remain in place this term and until further government instruction. Our safety precautions were successful from 1st June when we welcomed year groups back into school – we did not get any Covid 19 cases and had 200 pupils in school and all the staff. Below are the entrances and exits for each year group. There is a flexible start from 8.30-9.00 and finish from 3.15-3.30pm to avoid congestion. One parent only please to drop off. Children come straight into school and do not wait in the playground when they arrive. (Those in school from 1st June will know the procedure already) These details were sent at the end of last term (remember your child will have moved up a year group) and are repeated below:

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FAB Newsletter July 2020

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Returning to school in September – class letters







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September School Dinners – Classroom Grab Bags


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Final Headteacher’s Letter Summer Term 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
The end of term is on the 17 July and we start back for compulsory school on Tuesday 8th September when once again, after an unprecedented 6 months we will have all our pupils back in school. We look forward to welcoming everybody on that date. Thanks to all the parents and the governors who have been very encouraging and supportive during the pandemic. It has not been a straightforward and easy time for any of us. I would also like to thank the group of parents, in Year 6, who have worked tirelessly on our FAB ( Friends At Beecroft) parent group in raising money, tea and coffee, sports days over the 7 years that your children have been at Beecroft. We will be sending you off to high school with your children and we will miss everything you do for us on a weekly basis. Year 6 have their presentations and last day challenges and we wish them well at high school. I hope that parents and pupils feel that they are ready for the challenges ahead.
By now you should all have received details of next year’s classes, teachers and new entry points into school. We will be operating very much as we are now with the staggered start 8.30-9.00, finish 3.15-3.30 and separate entrances and exits. That information has been sent to you already for your year group. Strict hygiene measures and full risk assessments are in place for September.
If you have any questions at all before 17 July please ring school or email. School will not be open over summer so we cannot answer queries then. Uniform can be collected from the school car park on 7 September between 12-1 pm.
I hope that all families can get out and about to enjoy a summer break. Once again my thanks to all of you.
School starts for the autumn term on 8th September when all pupils are expected to be in – school is back to being compulsory and it is the law to send your child every day. I know that you will all want to get your children off to a good start.

Best wishes for a restful summer break,
J. Turner

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Headteacher’s Letter 6th July 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to start by thanking all of you who have sent your child back to school or who have chosen to send current Year 3 and Year 4 to their transition days. We now have 200 pupils back in school. Their safety and well-being is our top priority and I would like to thank you for putting your trust in us. From September all Nursery through to Year 6 will be welcomed back on the start date of Tuesday 8th September when school will be compulsory – the law for every child. There will still be stringent infection control, hygiene and cleaning measures in place. School will be operating very much as it is now – a staggered start 8.30-9am and finish 3.15 – 3.30pm and the same separate entrances and exits. (Details will be sent again in the next 2 weeks) Pupils will be in their normal whole class groups. Breakfast and After School Club will re-start on Monday 14 September. Please email if you will be using the After School Club – there will not be any extra-curricular activities, after school, for the first half term. Infection rates are falling daily so from the start of the autumn term we look forward to all our children being back in school. We all know that it is the best place to learn and that meeting friends is vital for a pupil’s wellbeing. Attendance will be compulsory and no child should be kept out of school on the 8th September. We are confident that all our parents will give full support in getting Beecroft back to normal.

Best wishes,
J. Turner
Beecroft Primary School

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