Headteacher’s Letter 30th June 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you and your loved ones are still well and are enjoying some of the freedoms after the lockdown period. Thank you for your cooperation with the organisation of school at this difficult time. Now that we have invited N, R, Y1, Y2 Y5 and Y6 into school, classes are now at capacity until we open in September. We cannot now take any more pupils into any of the year groups from tomorrow 30 June for the last two weeks of term. We look forward to welcoming all pupils in September. We will see Year 3 and Year 4 on the two transition days – please confirm your decision for these as soon as possible so that we can plan in good time. We hope that those parents who have elected to keep children at home will continue with the home-learning zone until 17 July when the holiday starts.

From September attendance at school will be compulsory  so we are now in the process of planning for a safe return for everyone. The detail of this will be sent out before the end of term and again safety will remain a priority. Our organisation has worked well so far and about two thirds of the school are enjoying time back in small classes. We are catching up on work missed and children are enjoying their discreet year group play-times when they can socialise with friends. The Department For Education has told schools that the childcare for key workers and the vulnerable will finish at the end of term in July and parents will need to make their own arrangements for the summer break as childminders will be operating with precautions in place. Beecroft will be closed over the summer for a thorough clean.

As soon as the full planning for Beecroft is in place, and in line with new guidance that we are expecting from the government this week, I will let you know.

Thanks you again for your support which has been very much appreciated  over the period from 1 June.

Best wishes,

J. Turner

Beecroft Primary School

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7 Top Tips to Support Reading at Home – KS1 and KS2 flyers

Shared reading is a great way to develop children’s language and communication and to boost their reading skills. Regular reading routines can offer lots of opportunities for learning during school closures.

Top tips to support reading at home.pdf

Top tips to support reading at home for Key Stage 2-1.pdf

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Headteacher’s Letter 18th June 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers,
I hope that you are all well including your loved ones and extended family. I also hope that whilst we are all remaining alert and are all continuing to take safety precautions that your levels of anxiety are reducing as the situation country-wide and in Leeds is changing for the better. We have operated a safe environment now for three weeks in school and from 22 June there are only four weeks of the term left. I now strongly encourage you to take up the place offered for the key year groups – Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. By 22 June. We are now widening the age groups we are taking and once we expand, as the government has explained, it may not be possible to take your child at a later date as we are observing the recommendations about smaller class size which requires careful planning and staffing. We are also accommodating vulnerable pupils and those of key workers. Year 5 will be returning for half a week on Monday 22 June and we look forward to welcoming the majority of the class  who will be catching up on vital learning before Year 6. 12 Year 2 children will also be starting on Monday 22 June.
School is also providing the chance to socialise with friends and the normality of the routines and school day. Please, if you have not yet accepted your offer of a return school, consider carefully, at this stage, the detriment of time away from friends and normal schooling. It would be a pity to regret not sending your child at a future date. As you know, if you ring school we are always happy to help and to discuss any problems or fears.

Best wishes,
J. Turner

June Turner
Beecroft Primary School

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Headteacher’s Letter 14th June 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope that all is well with you and your loved ones. Thank you for supporting your children, at home, with the home-school learning and for reading with your child or children. I realise that if you are trying to work yourself this is not easy. We have successfully completed two weeks with Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 in school. The zone system has worked and those Year groups are enjoying being at school and seeing their friends. The heavy rain today has stopped the outdoor picnics but it gave Year 6 the chance to catch up with chess over lunchtime. Our next step is to get the rest  of Year 5 into school with a start date of 22 June. Things are improving daily and a close eye on the local graphs shows that Leeds is in a better position than it was a number of weeks ago.  Year 5 will be accommodated in Zone 5 and we are contacting parents separately with the details. Of course, we will continue to be very vigilant with our safety measures and hygiene as there can be no relaxation of this for a long time.  If you have the opportunity to send your child back to school please consider it as we do not want any child, at Beecroft, to be disadvantaged through lost education.

Enjoy the weekend and stay safe,

Best wishes,
J. Turner

June Turner
Beecroft Primary School

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Headteacher’s Letter 8th June 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
Time is passing quickly so it was good, last week, to be able to welcome back children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. We are proud that we welcomed all the Year groups. Our governors signed off our lengthy and thorough risk assessments and on our return day plans went smoothly. There were a lot of smiling faces – both children and adults! Then it was down to business as usual, in the classrooms, with work on reading, writing, computing and transition to high school in Year 6. Pupils enjoyed the chance to catch up with and play with friends at break times and lunchtime. Thank you to parents for your cooperation with the organisation.

This week you will receive your child’s annual school report by post. The report has the same detail as previous years and is a teacher assessment to the middle of March when school closed. Both progress and attainment is a teacher assessment. Effort and attendance is again to the end date of school in March. Some pupils may have slipped back during the lockdown whilst others, working at home, will have maintained their progress and forged ahead. Only if you have serious concerns, when you read the report, do you need to contact us by email or phone to arrange a telephone appointment before 17 July.
If your child is working from home, please look on the home- learning zone and keep up that reading.

Best wishes,
J. Turner

June Turner
Beecroft Primary School

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Headteacher’s Letter 1st June 2020

Dear Parents, Carers,
I hope that you have all been enjoying the sunshine and the ‘beautiful challenge,’ video’s. The four videos are a lovely way to view all the wonderful work – which has also received very positive comments from our governors.

On 3 June we look forward to welcoming nursery children, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 into their zones. It will be great to see everyone again and to be able to resume normal work even though we are still in not so normal times. About two thirds of our children are returning. We will continue to provide work in the home-learning zone, on the website,for the other year groups and those who have chosen not to return yet. Please collect pupils’ promptly from school between 3pm and 3.30 as we want to be able to give the school a thorough clean every evening and cleaners will want to get started.
We look forward to 3 June.
Best wishes,
J. Turner

PS Don’t forget packed lunch, PE kit and please return wearing you school uniform.

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Miss Turner’s Beautiful Challenge

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Headteacher’s Letter 21st May 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Thank you pupils for all your beautiful ‘beautiful’ challenges. Look out for the video and if you are returning to school bring the challenges in. We look forward to seeing those who have chosen to return to school on 3 June. The following is a reminder of key information.

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Headteacher’s Letter 19th May 2020

Return to school Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Year 6, Year 1 Reception and Nursery

Dear Parents/Carers,

I will start by referring to government guidance:

We know that unlike older children and adults, early years and primary age children cannot be expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other. In deciding to bring children back to early years and schools we are taking this into account.”

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Headteacher’s Letter 15th May 2020

Dear Parents, Carers,
Thank you to all the children who have sent their ‘beautiful’ challenges – a video is in the making. Secondly, we wish Miss Stuart all the best as she starts her maternity leave this week. We look forward to hearing her future news. Miss Sayania , who you already know, was appointed as a Reception class teacher in October and has been sharing Miss Stuart’s Reception class with her. She will be class teacher from 3 June.

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