Learning Through Play – Lego Challenge

This LEGO calendar is a great way to really challenge children to create something new with their LEGO bricks.

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Child Friendly Leeds Ultimate Guide

A very useful site which brings together local and national resources and activities for children and young people while we are all staying at home.  Its aim is to help support parents and carers around the city with hints and tips on ways to keep their children entertained whilst the schools are closed.  It includes online family-friendly events, the award-winning Leeds Curriculum from the council’s museums and galleries team and 21 top tips for keeping children entertained at home.

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Hello to parents and pupils

Hello to parents and pupils

Keep safe and healthy and join in our summer Headteacher challenge. I am looking forward to seeing your ‘beautiful’ ideas. Look on our home learning zone on Monday 27 April for more details. Keep smiling!

Miss Turner

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Reading Resources: David Walliams free audio stories

David Walliams has announced that he will be reading one of his World’s Worst Children stories every day for 30 days, which will be free for children to download and listen to.

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Domestic violence and abuse and coronavirus

We know this is a difficult and worrying time for everyone, especially for adults and children living with domestic abuse and the professionals working hard to support them.

There is support available to help you through this time. You can still:

-call the police on 999 in an emergency (press 55 after the emergency number if you’re in danger and not able to speak for help)
-find accommodation from Leeds Housing Options or Leeds Domestic Violence Service if you are a victim of domestic abuse and need to escape
-find a safe place to stay with social distancing in place to protect you
-telephone or webchat for support

Safer Leeds have updated their website to include useful information for victims of Domestic Violence and people delivering services.


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COVID-19: Wellbeing Resources for Parents/Carers

In the light of school closure, we wanted to provide a range of advice and resources for parents/carers. We are keen to signpost you to resources that start valuable conversations with your children and young people, providing tested tools to maintain wellbeing at a time of concern and anxiety for many families. At the end of this document we have included some resources that will allow children to continue learning at home.

Wellbeing Resources for Parents/Carers

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Advice For Staying Safe Online

Responsible use of technology to learn, communicate with friends and family and access support will be really important as the opportunities for face to face communication are restricted.

We want to ensure that pupils and parents/carers understand how to ensure young people stay safe online. Please read our April 2020 Online Safety Briefing Sheet.

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Keeping Children Safe – House Party App

Safeguarding concerns have been raised about an APP called House Party in respect to live streaming. The House Party is taking social media by storm. It’s from the same company that created Fortnite. Over the last 48 hours there has been lots of misinformation over social media about it. As with all live-streaming platforms it can put young people at risk.

If an uninvited guest joins a room they can easily ‘friend’ others taking part in the live stream.

It appears that when a friend is invited, their friends can also join a ‘room’ without the invitation and therefore potentially increase the opportunity to cyber-bully and troll others.

Please follow the link to read the published guidance for parents.

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Your Questions Answered

I am a keyworker

Government Guidance For Schools Link

The government has asked parents to keep their children at home wherever possible, this is the safest option.”

At present information is lacking and we do not know of the central hubs – please check-Leeds City Council website during the next week.

I have passed all details and addresses to Leeds City Council of those requesting care – but there are no promises or assurances that child-care will be available. You will be contacted directly and told where the care is happening. Please note it is child care and not education.

It will be all five days only and not part-time or pick and choose if it becomes available

Free School Meals

Sandwich, fruit and cake – available at Hollybush Primary Hub (Hollybush School closed)

Will school be open on 20th April 2020

Check Beecroft Primary School website and Leeds Education Hub as the situation unfolds. As soon as we can resume normal education we will be the first to do so.

Will anyone be in school

No – not until further notice (20th April if possible) No emails or phone calls – see below.

Leeds Education Hub

Work for pupils

Packs sent home today. Reading is vital to pupils and with you.

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Dear Parents, Carers


In these uncertain times and unprecedented times, I am writing to confirm that Beecroft will be closing for all pupils from Friday 20th March – Monday 20th April 2020.

The closure information is on the school website and on the Leeds City Council website.

Unfortunately, too many staff are self-isolating for medical reasons and it is not possible to maintain the school services.

As you know, we at Beecroft, pride ourselves on being open whatever the circumstances and I would love to be able to continue normal school education despite the virus. Following our governors’ meeting of Chair and Vice Chair today, the decision was clearly made to close the school from Monday given our personal school circumstances.

I hope, although this is considerably inconvenient, that you will be able to support us with the difficult decision that we have not made lightly.

Pupils’ will bring packs of work, websites and challenges that they can use during the extended break.

Thank you for your support and your understanding.

Yours sincerely

J Turner


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