Autumn Term 1 – September 2017

Dear Parents/Guardian

Welcome back!  I hope that your holiday was enjoyable. Judging by the inventive holiday challenges our children have enjoyed an exciting summer holiday. As we settle into the new term I would like to thank you for sending your children back in their smart uniform and ready to start the school term. Continue reading

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End of Term Newsletter – July 2017

End Of Year July 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your support during the 2016-2017 school year.

I am particularly grateful to all the parents who have supported home-school reading.  We now have considerable evidence that these parents who continue to listen to their child reading up to and including Year 6 make a difference.  Collecting and discussing vocabulary and the words in books enables your child to achieve in reading writing and mathematics. Thank you. Continue reading

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Beecroft Sports Day

Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am writing to remind you that Beecroft Sports Day will be held this Friday 7th July so all children will require their summer PE kit of white t-shirt, blue/black shorts and trainers. Along with this your child will need a water bottle, sun hat/sun cream and any required medication. Please note that if it is bad weather we will make a decision on the morning and try to re-arrange for another week.

Both key stages will take part in a fun circuit where they will have a go at different sports and a competitive Olympics where they will compete for the trophy, in colour groups. You are very welcome to come along and support at the set times below:

  • Reception and Key Stage 1 (Reception – Y2) : 9.15-10.30am
  • Key stage 2 (Years3 – 6): 10.45 – 12pm

Yours sincerely,
Mr Campbell
Deputy Head

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School Uniform

If you wish to order school uniform for September please complete the attached order form and return to school by Friday 14th July. Payment should be sent with the order. [Please see prospectus]

Clothing will be available for collection as follows:
On the training day Tuesday 5th September between 12 and 1pm

When purchasing school uniform, please remember no fashion items and school uniform is as follows: Continue reading

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June 2017 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

The end of term and the end of our school year is starting to ‘creep up’.

School Fair: Thank you very much for your generosity and huge support for FAB and school in raising £1200.00.This is tremendous! Well done to FAB and all our parents and pupils. Continue reading

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25th May 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your continuing support. The majority of parents were very supportive of Year 6 during their test week. Year 6 worked extremely hard and we are very proud of their attitudes to work.  Our ‘free’ breakfast was well attended and made a sense of occasion and good start! Continue reading

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End of Term Newsletter March 2017


28th March 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all your support – particularly with attendance, helping your child with reading out of school and your help with spelling and maths. Those pupils who get help from parents make substantially more progress in school. A partnership works!

Fair Trade Fortnight: Thank you for your support school has raised £800.

Comic Relief: We have raised £151.30.

Thank you for your support.

Trips and Visits

Year 5 – Easter at South Parade Baptist Church

Year 3 – Visit to Leeds Minster

Year 2 – Visit to St Stephen’s Church

Easter Egg Competition – see reverse

A musical Key Stage 2 Family Assembly is on Friday 31st March with djembe, ukulele, orchestra recorder and singing.

We break up for the Easter break on Friday 31st March and return to school on Tuesday 18th April. 

Spring Holiday: Break up Friday 31st March

Return to school: Tuesday 18th April  2017

Yours sincerely




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Newsletter February 2017

Dear Parents,
Good News! Please see the letter from nick gibb mp congratulating Beecroft Primary School for being in the top 3% of schools nationally for progress from Key Stage 1 to 2.
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January 2017 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

A Mile A Day: We have already started this ‘Daily Mile’ initiative with Year 6 and are now extending this to all Key Stage 2 Years 3 – 6. This is not an extension of playtime but an effort to improve the physical, emotional and social health and wellbeing of children through a short burst of physical activity.  Mental wellbeing is as important as physical.  10 laps around the playground is a mile Children do not have to run their laps but will be encouraged to walk briskly if not running.  A time in the day has been allocated to each class.  New Year:  A time to get minds and bodies active and create a sense of wellbeing. Continue reading

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Newsletter – Top School in Leeds Results Success 2016

16 December 2016

Dear Parents,

Celebration: Concerts

At the end of a very busy term we have much to celebrate about our school. Our concert, Ebenezer, was a spectacular success with excellent speaking, part-singing, ukulele playing and rapping. Our Key Stage 2 pupils, enjoyed every minute of it!  Reception and Key Stage 1 assembly was equally enjoyable and well attended by parents and friends. Continue reading

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