Spring Newsletter 2016

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all the support during the Spring Term.

Trips & Visits: Year 6 has enjoyed a three day residential to Boggle Hole near Whitby. Thanks to all the staff who volunteered for this venture. Continue reading

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Newsletter March 2016

Dear Parents,

Library: It is just a year ago that I wrote about our plans for a new library.  I am pleased to announce that following a spend of £180,000 and £9,600 on the building and books respectively, it is now ready for use.    Our World Book Day, had story reading in the library, thanks to Miss Cathy Breeze and Mrs Stephanie Cassidy.  All classes had this privilege. Continue reading

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February Newsletter 2016

Dear Parents,

Library Success: (£200,000) We are delighted that our new library is nearing completion.  We have spent £9,600 on new books.  This magnificent sum includes the £4000 sponsor money from FAB.  Pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have contributed to 2 felts – The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Kensuke’s Kingdom which are on display in the library. Continue reading

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January Newsletter 2016

Happy New Year !

Dear Parents,

The dreary dark evenings are ideal for homework, reading and the use of Education City at home. Please discuss your child’s work, reading with your child and talk about events in the world.  Talk and reading enables progress in school. Continue reading

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Winter Newsletter 2015

Winter Newsletter 2015

Dear Parents,

I am sure that you will have thoroughly enjoyed Key Stage 2’s and Drama Club’s Christmas production, ‘The Pied Piper. The part-singing, acting and music was magnificent.  Pupils gained in confidence, learned team-work and vital practical skills.  Above all they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  We look forward to Reception and Key Stage 1’s Nativity on Thursday at Family Assembly. Continue reading

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30th November Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We are in the last few weeks of a very busy and successful term.  Thank you for all your support with reading, homework and preparing your child for school.

A particularly ‘big thank-you’ to our Friends At Beecroft who work so hard to raise money for school.  Thanks to all who contributed to the Winter Fair. Thanks to all our Governors who work so hard behind the scenes. Continue reading

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Autumn Term 2 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Please support our school by parking in the Milford Club car park.

Sandford Road Parking: Thank you very much to all parents who have supported the change in parking.  I would like to encourage all parents to use The Milford Club car park which has been agreed by Governors.  It leaves a 5 minute walk to the back gate.  I have assured Councillor Vennor that there will not be a recurrence of the rude, aggressive and inconsiderate behaviour’ which was brought to her attention by residents. Continue reading

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Newsletter September 2015

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Open Evening and Open Morning

Choosing a school for Reception 2016
We warmly welcome you to our Open Evening and Open Morning

Thursday 12th November 2015
6.00 – 7.30 pm

Friday 13th November 2015
9.15 – 11.00 am with Family Assembly

Bring your family and enjoy looking at
children’s work on display

Download Flyer

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End of Term Newsletter July 2015

13 July 2015

Dear Parents,


With only 5 days remaining of the 2014-2015 academic year, I would like to thank you for your support for Beecroft.  Amongst our successes are: Continue reading

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