Easter EGGstravaganza!

Well done to all of our children who took part in the egg decorating competition. The standard of eggs this year was phenomenal, showing real creative talent, making the competition extremely hard to judge! Have a look below to see if you can pick your favourite:


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Year 5 Residential

CIMG2179 On the 3rd March, Year 5 enjoyed an exciting yet very muddy residential, to the picturesque village of Castleton in the Peak District. Continue reading

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Comic Relief 2015

Thank you to all of our parents who helped donate! Continue reading

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Fab Sponsored Walk in aid of Library

Sponsored Walk in aid of the Library

We are planning on holding a sponsored walk on the morning of Thursday 2nd April. All proceeds from this event will be used to improve the school library, which will help all children within the school. Continue reading

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March Newsletter 2015

Dear Parents

Well done to parents and pupils who have participated in the half-term reading challenge. Certificates and rewards will be presented on Friday 13 March 2015. Reading is a vital skill and we want to maintain its high profile. Our aim is that every child will be an excellent reader by the time they go to High School. Continue reading

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Key Stage 2 – E-Safety Workshop

All children in Key Stage 2 enjoyed a visit today from Team Players Theatre Company, who performed an action-packed, hour long play called ‘Super Cyber Safe’.
The drama was interactive with children involved in fun games, songs and quizzes, educating them about the potential dangers online.  It was great to see how much children had learnt already about e-safety from their Safer Internet Day projects and the play provided a fun, humorous way to consolidate their knowledge.




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School Council Newsletter

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Newsletter February 2015

Dear Parents

Thank you for the tremendous interest in the reading training. 61 Parents attended the Foundation and Key Stage 1 training.

Key Stage 2 training, which will include, information on the new reading curriculum and national tests will be held on Friday 6th February at 9.30am after Family Assembly. Continue reading

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Newsletter January 2015

Dear Parents


We are looking forward to working with you in partnership to do the very best we can for our children. One of our key priorities is reading. As we know it is a key to success in school and for the future. Continue reading

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Newsletter Dec 2014 – End of Term

9th December 2014

Dear Parents/Governors

We are nearing the end of a very busy and successful term. Thank you for all your support with reading, homework and preparing your child for school!

I would particularly like to thank our Friends at Beecroft who work so hard in their money raising for our school. Thanks to all FAB who are so generous with their time. Continue reading

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