Headteacher’s Letter 19th May 2020

Return to school Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Year 6, Year 1 Reception and Nursery

Dear Parents/Carers,

I will start by referring to government guidance:

We know that unlike older children and adults, early years and primary age children cannot be expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other. In deciding to bring children back to early years and schools we are taking this into account.”

Children will be able to play with their own class in a separate playground from other classes. We cannot make them stay separate and not socialise with their friends at playtimes with overly strict distancing. However, there are a whole range of measures that will be in place to minimise risk. Classes will be half their usual size, pupils will sit on separate tables in the classroom and the school will be divided into zones which separate the staff and other classes in school. Hygiene measures are of the upmost importance so frequent hand washing and thorough cleaning will be in place following government guidance in full. The following explains the system.

The school day will be 8.30-3.30 (No breakfast and After School Club or evening clubs) Flexible 8.30-9am start. Finish 3.15-3.30.

All children bring a packed lunch and take their wrappings home. (Packed lunches for free school meals only not for universal free school meals) Pupils will eat outside when fine.

Year 6: Zone 4

Entry through the After School Club at the front of school between 8.30-9.00 to normal classroom.

Leave from the front of school between 3.15-3.30. Only one parent can collect.

Zone 3: Year 1

Entry bottom pram ramp gate to playground 8.30-9.00 straight into the classrooms.

Leave from the lower playground: Parents observe social distancing in the lower playground 3.15-3.30 Only one parent can collect.

Reception: Zone 2

Enter bottom ramp gate to large playground. Parents observe social distancing and pupils will be brought straight into the Reception classrooms by staff 8.30-9.00

Front Entrance: Zone 1

Parents cannot come into the school by the front office. Any contact MUST be by email or phone or letter to the class teacher. Staff will not be available to meet with parents at any time during the school day.

Nursery: Usual nursery entrance and times. Educare parents will now need to pay for extra hours.

Yours sincerely,

J. Turner


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