Headteacher’s Update – 27th September

Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for helping us to get the new school year off to an excellent start.  Attendance excellent so far and thank you for supporting the prompt 8.30am start. We want all pupils to join in our 34.75 hour school week and to do one of the enrichment activities after school(clubs).We have only 20 children left to join a club which is now part of our working school week. There is something for every child to choose and enjoy.

Please ring to speak to me if your child and you have not chosen one.

Harvest Festival and Class Enterprise For Harvest:

2nd October- Sales outside at 3pm – In aid of St George’s Crypt.

4th October- Family Assembly Harvest at 9am (tins, packets -please send to school for St George’s Crypt.)

We are grateful to be able to support our local communities in need – thank you to all our parents.

We will be presenting music medals at the end of the assembly.

Year 6 are doing an enterprise in conjunction with Virgin Money. Year 6 parents have thanked us for the chrome-book each child has received to use at home throughout the year.

Our collaboration and parent support is very important at Beecroft. FAB (Friends At Beecroft) will be providing refreshments and planning future fundraising. You are all part of the group. Please join in with us.

Mindmate Champions – We have just been awarded the title of Mindmate Champions which is in recognition of all the work we do with our children around mental health. This includes the mindmate curriculum, outreach work, play therapy and how school has responded to pupil questionnaires. 

Place To Be- We are further extending our mental health provision in school by employing a mental health practitioner, who starting from next week will be in school for two days a week. Children will be able to self -refer to see her, whilst it will also be part of our school safeguarding- working with families (already contacted)who require support. 

However if you are interested or wish to to discuss this further, please ring school to speak to me. 

Thank you again for the continued support and for ensuring that your children are on time and have everything they need for a successful day at school.

Best wishes,

J. Turner 


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