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Headteacher’s Update: 17th April 2023

Return to School Monday 17th April 

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you had an enjoyable spring break. The next two weeks are busy with two residentials. As many staff are out of school running the residentials there will not be any clubs this week beginning 17th April and next week beginning 24th April.

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Headteacher’s Update: 28th March 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

I just wanted to share with you the very very, sad news,  that Janet, one of our cleaners has passed away in hospital. (She was known as Miss Janet by the children)

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Headteacher’s Update: 21st March 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,
Three years on from the first lockdown – to date – it is good to be back to normal and the full running of everything that we do at Beecroft. Nationally, attendance is a real problem, but with your support we are again back to normal. I still need to reiterate the message, “Please do not take holidays in term time and definitely not in Year 6 or Year 2 where there are national assessments and tests.” Thank you for your support.

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Headteacher’s Update: 24th February 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for your feedback on the survey sheets which is very useful in informing future decisions. 

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Headteacher’s Update: 22nd February 2023

Dear Parents/Carers, 
Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for your feedback on the survey sheets which is very useful in informing future decisions. 

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Headteacher’s Update: 8th February 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,
We break up for half term holiday on Friday 10th February and return to school on Monday 20th February

School Starts at 8.30 am and register is at 8.40am. 

Thanks: Thank you to FAB for the work and planning for our Family Assembly to the end of the year. Thanks to all parents for your positive comments and constructive suggestions which we are already taking on board.

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Headteacher’s Update: 23rd January 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for your support at the beginning of this new year. Thank you for your understanding with the 5-year electrical testing which is now complete. We missed ours due to Covid. Thank you for using the new footpath and ramp – safety at the front of school is much improved.

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Online Safety And New Devices

Dear Parent/Guardian,
The winter holiday is the time that many new devices including smart watches, games consoles, tablets, laptops and even mobile phones make their way into our homes. It is vital that you talk to your child about safety and regularly monitor their use. All children should always consider the SMART rules when going online.

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Chinese New Year Dinner Menu – Thursday 19th January

The Chinese New Year dinner will be on Thursday 19th January, please see attached menu for that day.

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