Category Archives: Admin
Headteacher’s Update: 4th September 2023
Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome Back to School: Wednesday 6th September 8.30am We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday and hope that the summer holiday has been both relaxing and enjoyable. Enjoy the next day of good weather before we start.
Headteacher’s FINAL SUMMER 2023 Update
Dear Parents/Carers, Just a summer thank you for all your support over the year – all very much appreciated.
Summer Reading Challenge
Remember to take part in the summer reading challenge. Visit your local library and be rewarded for each book that you read. When you return to school in September, please bring your medal and certificate to share with your class … Continue reading
Headteacher’s Update: 10th July 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,As we are fast approaching the end of the academic year, I want to thank you for all the daily support we get for attendance, getting children to school on time and in the support you give for reading … Continue reading
Headteacher’s Update: 29th June 2023
Dear Parents/Carers, Our Summer Fair was a spectacular event enjoyed by all of us. A BIG thank you to FAB – for its excellent leadership and the hard work of all the parents who contributed. Well Done! Thank you also … Continue reading
Headteacher’s Update 8th June
Dear Parents/Carers,Arts Day: Today has been an exciting art’s day for all pupils in Key Stage 2 with live performances for the whole school by Back Chat Brass, Children in Key Stage 2 then rotated to do drama, garage band, … Continue reading
Year 6 Bikeability Training
This week all Year 6 pupils are completing Bikeability training. Bikeability is the government’s national cycle training programme. It helps pupils learn practical skills and understand how to cycle on today’s roads. The pupils work through three levels of training, starting in the … Continue reading
Headteacher’s Update: 24th May 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,The sun is shining and what a beautiful day! Today started with a wonderful Coronation Assembly by Reception Classes. The quality of speaking, singing and acting was exceptional. We wanted to watch it more than once. All the children … Continue reading
Headteacher’s Update: 10th May 2023
A BIG THANK YOU! What a wonderful surprise today! Our staffroom is full of treats and cards and I want to thank you very much indeed, both FAB and all our parents, for taking the time and trouble to appreciate … Continue reading