Welcome to the home learning page.
On a weekly basis we are adding home learning tasks for the children to complete.
Week 7: 1st March
Class_3LS_week 7_Fairtrade home learning grid
Class_3LS_week 7_Monday_Compare lengths
Class_3LS_week 7_Tuesday_Add lengths
Class_3LS_week 7_Wednesday_Subtract lengths
Week 6: 22nd February
Class_3LS_week 6_Equivalent lengths – mm and cm
Class_3LS_week 6_LCWC words with -sion and -tion-1
Class_3LS_week 6 -Monday measure length
Class_3LS_week 6_Tuesday_Equivalent lengths
Week 5: 8th February
Class_3LS_Week 5_Monday _Give change
Class_3LS_Week 5_Tuesday_Make tally charts
Class_3LS_Week 5_Wednesday_Interpret pictograms
Week 4: 1st February
Class_3LS_Wednesday_ Add money
Class_3LS_Week4_Tuesday_Convert pounds and pence
Class_3LS_Week 4_Contractions table
Class_3LS_Week 4_Monday_Pounds and pence
Week 3: 25th January
Class_3LS_week 3_ 100 squares to cut
Class_3LS_week 3_chapter 3 vocabulary
Class_3LS_week 3_chapter 4 comprehension
Class_3LS_week 3_Divide 2-digits by 1-digit
Class_3LS_week 3_Tuesday chapter 3 comprehension
Week 2: 18th January
Class_3LS_wk 2_Tuesday comprehension
Class 3LS_wk 2_ Monday_speech bubble worksheet
Week 1: 11th January
Class_3LS_wk1_Firework Maker’s Daughter
Class_3LS_wk1_Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit
Class_3LS_wk1_Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit sheet 2