March 2020 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for the continuing support from the vast majority of our parents.

An area of concern, with a significant number of families, is that of holidays taken in term time. We have written separately to the 40 families who have taken their children out of school for periods up to 15 school days (30 sessions) between September 2019 and 1st March 2020 but the following is important for all families to note.

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Advice on COVID-19 (coronavirus)

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Safer Internet Day

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

In school this week we have been celebrating Safer Internet Day. The theme this year has been “Together for a better internet”, where children have watched videos and discussed ways to use the internet more responsibly. They have also had a visit from PC Browne who gave an assembly on the key messages. The theme encourages young people to work together to be positive, safe and respectful online. Children have also thought about ways that they can take control of their digital lives, by creating a positive digital footprint and making the right choices about what they share. Year 6 have even designed and created their own apps to educate other children about online safety covering: cyberbullying, online gaming addiction, creating a positive digital footprint and even how to look after your mental health online.

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Beecroft Primary School Wellbeing Newsletter

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February Newsletter 2020

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your continued support in supporting your child(ren) in getting to school on time, good attendance and reading at home. Please keep up the good work.

  • Reading Workshop For Parents:To understand how to support your child in the enjoyment of books and in gaining competency with the skills expected by the end of Y2 and Y6.

Friday 28th February: Reading Workshops

9-10am: Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2)

2-3pm: Key Stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5, and 6)

The sessions will be run by Miss Goode (reading consultant and former Headteacher). Please meet in the entrance of the school and you will be taken to the room.

Residential Visits: We have 2 residential visits after half-term (Year 6 have already been to Castleton)

25th – 26th February- Malham Trip – Year 4RP

2nd – 4th March – Herd Farm Residential Year 5

Music and The Arts: At Beecroft, we place high importance on music, art and theatre education. Year 6 will be widening their musical appreciation at the Schools’ Prom Music event on 3rd March.

Safety and SafeguardingNSPCC Visit to school

‘Speak out and stay safe’ – assembly and workshops

Fair Trade – Bar and Badge: For Fairtrade Fortnight starting 24th February £1.50 for the bar and badge.

Money raised will go to St George’s Crypt – buy a bed (£30) for the homeless

Wellbeing Day: Friday 28th February school council are collating a choice activity from each class in the school.

World Book Day: Thursday 5th March

Dates for your diary

Friday 14th February – Half-Term starts – Return to school Monday 24th February

Friday 28th February – Reading Workshops

Friday 6th March 2020 – Family Assembly

Friday 13th March 2020 – Visit of Design Technology – National Executor ‘Design Technology Association’

Wednesday 18th March – Year 6 Skelton Grange

Friday 20th March 2020 – Family Assembly

Family Assembly – 27th March 2020

Friday 3rd April 2020 – Family Assembly

EASTER HOLIDAY – 3rd April – School re-starts Monday 20th April

Thank you for your continuing support for our school.

Yours sincerely

J.Turner Headteacher

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January 2020

Happy New Year 2020

We wish you peace, health and contentment at the start of a new decade.

Looking back, we have much to be proud of at Beecroft Primary School. Here is a list in no particular order which easily comes to mind.

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December 2019 – Newsletter

December 2019

Dear Parents,

Reminder: Thursday 12th December Election Day School Closed.

Parent Governor: Thank you to all parents who voted for parent governors.  220 families voted.  Thank you to the people who put themselves forward for parent governor.  We are delighted that so many of you are interested in supporting the school. 

Elected as parent governors are Asim Iqbal and Bobby Sharma. Congratulations!

Mr Qasim has agreed to move into the position of community governor so allowing two parent governors to take up the post.

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Newsletter November 2019

Dear Parents,

Reminder: Thursday 12th December Election Day School Closed.

Thank you: Open Evening and Morning: Our open evening and morning was a tremendous occasion. Parents, children, visitors all enjoyed our open sessions. School Council and Year 6 were proud ambassadors of the school and it was commented upon that they were confident, articulate, happy and proud to be part of Beecroft. Well done school council! Pupils’ demonstrated their work, made bee broches in D.T, felt making in art and our orchestra, including beginners – performed with enthusiasm.

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October 2019 – Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for getting the term off to a good start.

Good News: Summer Reading Challenge: Beecroft Primary won the competition in the Headingly & Kirkstall area for the school with the largest number of children participating and completing the challenge. Well Done! This has resulted in a visiting author assembly. Keep up the reading.

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