Well done to all our children who did a fantastic job raising money for charity. It was lovely to see the effort and enthusiasm that had gone into wearing dots, preparing games and stalls! The children were a credit to you in the way they all participated. In total we raised £375.47
Anti-bullying week
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As you know this week has been Anti-bullying Week when children have worn their odd socks to raise awareness and carried out work in class on the topic. A major part of anti-bullying education is learning about online bullying. This was our whole school online safety focus in half term1, where children learnt about:
· ways that some people can be unkind online and know how this can make others feel
· what bullying is, how people may bully others and how bullying can make someone feel.
· why anyone who experiences bullying is not to blame.
· how anyone experiences bullying can get help.
Attached to this letter is an up-to-date guide for parents from National Online Safety about ways to combat online bullying. If you have any concerns about online bullying, we are always here to help in school.
As we are a certified school, you can still access and become a member of National Online Safety by using the link https://nationalonlinesafety.com/enrol/beecroft-primary-school where you can access many useful resources and up to date info to keep your children safe in the ever-changing online world.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Campbell
Wellbeing Newsletter
Dear Parents,
As we near the finish of the first half term, we wanted to update you on wellbeing at Beecroft Primary School.
Welcome To Friends At Beecroft
School Dinner Menu September 22 to January 23
Beecroft Primary Achieve Gold Award For Commitment To Sport
We are delighted to announce that we, Beecroft Primary, have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the 2021/22 academic year.
The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
Our physical activity and school sport achievements this year include:
– Becoming a Girls Football School, now with over 40 KS2 girls having taken part in competitive matches
– Half termly inter school football competition for our U10 and U11 football teams
– Half termly playground challenges to increase physical activity
– Free extra-curricular clubs after-school and dinner time for all KS2 pupils
– Young leaders trained in both KS1 and KS2 leading playground games.
– Half termly Wellbeing Days with a wider range of physical activity
– Year 6 Catch -up swimming programme – Fridays
– Brownlee Triathlon participation
– Year 3 – Fun Run
– Year 1/2 – Multi – Sports Festival
We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our events possible. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to those young people that need it most either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer.
As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas linked to the five School Games outcomes and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.
A special thank you to all of our young leaders who have shown great commitment and all of our pupils and parents who have taken part or supported events.
Beecroft Sports Update – Summer HT5 – 2022
It has been another busy half-term of sport at Beecroft.
Skip Into Summer
In the playground children have really embraced the skipping challenge. It has been amazing to see the skills that children have developed over the 6 weeks; some never having skipped before. In Key Stage 1 children are skipping with speed and control, while in KS2 children have developed paired skipping, group skipping with traditional rhymes and cross over skipping. We now have many boys and girls skipping like professional boxers! Our young leaders have also continued to progress, organising different challenges for their peers each break and dinner time.
Year 6 Swimming Boosters
The Year 6 swimming, Covid catch up course on Fridays has been a big hit. From the first week to now we have seen progress in terms of water confidence and stroke proficiency from all children. There are still another 6 weeks to go but already 3 children who couldn’t swim before can now swim at least one length!
Girls’ Football
The girls took part in their monthly league meeting at Carr Manor and the progress this time was clear to be seen. Of the 5 matches played they won 3 and drew 2 scoring 8 goals along the way. They look forward to the upcoming cup competition on the 22nd of June.
Boys’ Football
In the inter-school competition, our U9s team played their first match in a friendly vs Scared Heart. It was an excellent game with all children showing great effort and determination. Unfortunately, although their performance deserved at least a point they conceded two late goals to lose the game 3-1.
In inter-school competition, the U10s played against U11s team in a fantastic game of football which had everything – even sunshine! The final score was 2-1 to the U11s.
Brownlee Triathlon
20 pupils from Y6 represented the school in the Brownlee Triathlon at John Charles Centre for Sport. This was an exciting opportunity to take part in the grueling event which included swimming 25m, running 2km and cycling 2km. All children who took part, completed the event, and were awarded a Brownlee medal. It will be a great memory for all, and we hope the event will inspire the children in the future!
Headteacher’s Update: Tuesday 24th May 2022
Spring Bank Holiday:
Break up Friday 27 May and return to school on Wednesday 8 June 2022
Wellbeing Day:
Friday 27 May – Pupils’ wear P.E. uniform
Family Assembly:
Tomorrow Wednesday 25 May at 8.50am (Nell Bank Residential and Reception singing)
Dear Parents/Carers,
This has been a busy half-term. Year 5 have been on a residential to Nell Bank in Ilkley which they thoroughly enjoyed in beautiful weather. Year 6 have worked exceptionally hard in their Year 6 National Tests. Year 2 have completed their reading and maths giant quiz (Year 2 assessments in disguise!) All our pupils did their best and were extremely focused.
Thursday 9th June: Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebratory Lunch. To mark this historic occasion – You can come and join your child for lunch if you wish. The lunch is open to all pupils as at our ‘Christmas Dinner’. If your child has a packed lunch they will need to pay (£2.50) – yours is free. You will need to let us know. (email will be sent out) Pupils can wear red, white and blue clothes in traditional cultural dress or wedding or party clothes for the day. This is a good opportunity for all the school to be united in a very British event. Governors are also invited.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Holiday Challenge: This is an opportunity to do a painting, information sheet, poem or find out about the Queen’s residences or work or your street party (Any aspect of the celebration)
Enjoy the break and thank you for your continued support – Attendance is Beecroft again 96.6%. Well done!
Best wishes,
J. Turner
Headteacher’s Update: Monday 9th May 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for all your support and a ‘big’ thankyou to those parents who supported us towards our Healthy Schools Award (we passed and the full report is on the website)
“The school is a very strong advocate for the Healthy Schools Award. It is evident that the school invests much in health and wellbeing and that the Healthy Schools programme has a very high profile. All staff are highly motivated to raise aspirations and improve the health and wellbeing of all pupils. …..All pupils I met were happy, confident, articulate, engaged polite and friendly and demonstrated an excellent knowledge of health and wellbeing….The school works well with parents and families and strong relationships have been established with families and the community as a whole. Parents all commented on the excellent communication from school and accessibility to staff, when needed.
The commitment, passion hands-on approach and vision of the head teacher and the Healthy Schools Coordinator/PSHE lead and mind mate are very apparent.”
The government is ‘stepping up’ expectation with attendance – the majority of our Beecroft parents ensure that their child attends every day the school is open and are absent only when there is a statutory reason (illness) However the government’s new list says all parents are expected to:
- Book any medical appointments around the school day when possible. (Not during lessons.)
- Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so in advance and this would not be every year. (Not holidays in term time)
- Notify the school as soon as possible if their child has to be unexpectedly absent (e.g. sickness )
Number 1 and 2 can be improved upon by some of our parents as leave that becomes up to a month out of school is unacceptable.
Where a child is persistently absent (below 90%) the parent is asked by the government to work with school to improve this. (Individual letters are being sent out this week for appointments and these must be attended.)
The majority of our parents are always supportive but there remains a number of parents who do not support us enough. Attendance at school is the law.
Family Assembly: Wednesday 25th May – all welcome (Please bring any surplus/old uniform to swap – stall after assembly)
Consultation Evening Video Call: Wednesday 25 May – 2.15-5.15 (Not Y6) If you were happy on the last meeting and had enough time you may want to wait until the July meeting.
Year 5 go to Nell Bank 16th-19th May. We wish them a ‘happy holiday’ and good weather.
Best wishes,
J. Turner
Beecroft Primary School
Summer P.E Timetable
Dear Parents/Carers,
Below is a timetable of your child’s PE sessions this summer term so that you know which 2 days (Years1-6) your child requires their PE kit.
- If your child is in Year 3 they have one session of PE and one session of swimming.
- If your child is in Year 6 they also have one session of PE and one session of swimming, which we have introduced this year as part of our Covid Catch-up using the Sports Premium Funding.
Please remember school PE kit consists of:
- Plain white t-shirt
- Plain black or navy shorts
- Sensible trainers
- Your child can wear either their school jumper or a plain black hoodie on colder days
In addition to this, please ensure if your child has asthma that your class teacher has an up-to-date inhaler. As the weather gets warmer, children may also bring a sunhat while they will need their water bottles and sun cream (please apply this at home).
Please send PE kit in a named pump bag.
Year | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Reception SM | PE | |||
Reception SH | PE | |||
Year 1SS | PE | PE | ||
Year 2EE | PE | PE | ||
Year 2EH | PE | PE | ||
Year 3 JS/AB | PE | SWIMMING | ||
Year 4KW | PE | PE | ||
Year 4RP | PE | PE | ||
Year 5 | PE | PE | ||
Year 6 | PE | SWIMMING |
The majority of classes will be taught by our specialist PE teacher Mrs Farthing-Kaye.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Campbell
Deputy Head